
Friday, February 2, 2018

My Book Is Out...Now What? by Jannine Gallant

BURIED TRUTH is now available for the world to read!!

That's what I feel like I've been doing for the last day or so... shouting BUY MY BOOK. I swear, it seems like we wait forever for each new release to hit the shelves, virtual or otherwise. I've been talking about my latest baby for months now, until I fear everyone is sick to death of hearing about it. The big day finally arrives and I make the announcement on social media with as much hoopla as I can muster. My friends congratulate me, and I feel special... accomplished. Heck, my husband even suggested we go out to dinner to celebrate. Then what? Day two rolls around, and I'm feeling a little anticlimactic.

Part of the problem is nerves, wondering if my book will sell and if people will like it. As I stalk my rankings every hour or so on Amazon, hoping for a dip to indicate a sale, I feel like I should be doing more. More to get reviews. More to spread the word. More to generate those sales. Except I'm tired of shouting BUY MY BOOK. I feel like I've told everyone it's available, and now it's a waiting game to see what happens. I also feel like I know what doesn't work. Blog tours. Even my publisher has given up arranging them. They cost money and produce zero results, so why bother? I post here and on Just Romantic Suspense (my post will be up there tomorrow with a prize). They do get decent traffic, so I feel like that's enough blogging.

That leaves social media, and I feel like I've beaten that horse to death... at least for the moment. So, I'll try to give my friends on Facebook a short break. My plan is to sit back and take a breather to see what my publisher does to spark interest. BURIED TRUTH will be included in a Kensington roundup of suspense/thriller authors, most of whom are far better known than me, in February on their social media sites. I'll jump back on the bandwagon to do my part when they start promoting.

So, if you're an author, what do you do after a new book releases? Do you run around shouting BUY MY BOOK, or do you sit back and let nature take its course? Have you had success with a particular venue? If you're a reader, where do you find out about new releases? We want your insights!

In case you still haven't picked up your copy of BURIED TRUTH, here are the links: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Kobo. Or visit my WEBSITE. Happy reading!


  1. First, congratulations on the long-awaited release! Second, I wish I had some sage advice for "what next," but I don't! To me your plan makes sense. The only thing I can think of (I say in in my very limited experience!) is to do some paid advertising, but what, I don't have a clue! I wish you much success with this new series!

  2. Congrats on your newest release, Jannine. What's next? No clue. By the time I release a book, I'm exhausted. I should do more, but I hate "buy my book" posts on FB, etc. If I could afford it, I'd hire a publicist. Good luck.

  3. Yep. Bought my copy at B&N after taking its picture (twice) nestled on the shelf. As I’ve told you, the cashier was unimpressed when I smiled all over myself as I announced ‘My critique partner wrote this!’ Kind of speaks for itself about your BUY MY BOOK references. What now, you ask? I’d say sit back and let nature take its course. Easy for me to say, right? At any rate, congrats on your first mass market release.

  4. I feel your pain. And I have no advice. Remembering it's a marathon and not a sprint always helps to calm me. I take promo breaks then head out to find new avenues or stalk old ones. Good luck!

  5. Congratulations on the release, Jannine. Unfortunately, I'm stumped at giving you any advice that hasn't already been mentioned. I, too, always arrive at that moment where I think "now what?" with every release. It's a mystery we all wish we could figure out.

  6. For the moment, forget the rest and bask in the elation and pride of publishing a book - something that you created from the first glimmer of an idea until the last word was edited. It is a wonderful accomplishment. Cheers to you.

  7. Leah, that seems to be the eternal question, what paid advertising works? I'm hoping to get enough reviews to be considered for Bookbub. We shall see... Thanks for the good wishes.

  8. That's my current state of mind, Diane. Exhaustion! A publicist would certainly be nice!

  9. Margo, I appreciate your due diligence in tracking down my book and photographing it in the wild! I need to get down to Reno just to see this phenomenon with my own eyes. LOL For those interested in a paperback instead of a digital copy, Barnes and Noble seems to be carrying BURIED TRUTH in almost all their stores. Take a photo for me if you see it!

  10. Brenda, I keep telling myself it's only week one. I have time. Patience isn't one of my most prominent virtues, however...

  11. Mac, somehow hearing that no one else knows what to do next makes me feel slightly better. Apparently my cluelessness isn't unique!

  12. Robin, thanks for the good wishes. I'm very proud and grateful to have accomplished a mass market release. I've been working toward this goal for a long time, which is probably why this "DO SOMETHING MORE" feeling is stronger than usual!

  13. See me holding out my hands in dismay. I get the sense that if we found out where all the readers hang out, we'd connect with that gold mine and our worries would be over. Otherwise, it seems like all we do is bug authors to buy our books on the slim chance a voracious reader might be 'listening in.' !#@&!

  14. Rolynn, the announcement I posted on Facebook on my release day reached over 700 people. I feel like I'm not going to top that and more shouting won't reach new people, just the ones who already know. It's a dilemma!

  15. First, good luck with the new book. As for that 'other stuff' we all hate, who knows? My anthology mates and I have given up on blog tours, FB seems to be failing. About the only thing working at the moment seem to be ads--and they cost., plus the ones that work sufficiently to recoup and make themselves worthwhile CHANGE with every book. Crap shoot I'd say.

  16. I agree it's hard to know what to even try, Andrea!

  17. First, great news about the book. I'll hit my local indie to order it. The owner is very dynamic in the community about pushing books she likes.

    Next. I reach my greatest audience on release day through two things: my newsletter where more than 1500 peeps have opted in and 200 postcards. Yes, postcards. I started with my Christmas list and grew from there.

    No easy answer but each time you appear, you reach more readers. Write away, write now.

  18. Thanks, Betsy. Indie bookstores can order it, but I'm not sure if many of them actually have it stocked. Interesting about the postcards. My Christmas card list needs some work to match that! LOL

  19. Congratulations on the Release of BURIED TRUTH! I'm 88 pages in and loving it so far! I know exactly how you feel with those "day after blues," however. I've never done anything special at all to celebrate a new release. By the time it finally happens, I don't seem to feel like celebrating. There's just all that anxiety about "will it sell?", "will anyone like it?". Since you have a publisher, I think you're wise to give yourself a break for a bit and let them earn their cut.

  20. I hate this period of the publishing process. Hate it. I do employ an Author Services company who do my facebook ads and twitter, plus get me ad spots. The lady who runs it and I were talking about some ad sites to do promo on just last night. I keep telling myself my goal is to build a reader base of people who enjoy my books. Then my sales will always be fair. I can't say that's always a given. But if the book or novella includes Effie, my pink-haired aging hippie, or Junebug, the heart-adopted momma to a group of hardened SEALs, those books do get bought. My permanent secondary characters win over the readers. Oh, and let's not forget Barney, known by my firemen as Gas Ass for obvious reasons.

  21. Alison, I'm so happy to hear you're enjoying it. Netgalley readers have been brutal to this book. So for the first time ever, I was beginning to doubt my writing. I got an excellent review from RT, though, so with your confirmation I'm going to try to ignore the negativity!

  22. Vonnie, my heroine in BURIED TRUTH has a grandma who readers seem to love (even the ones who had nothing else nice to say). She's a firecracker! What is it about older, feisty women that strikes a chord? I guess it's a good thing she makes an appearance in book 2 of the series, as well!
