
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

#amwriting Back to work by Barbara Edwards

I’m working on my manuscript. It’s been a challenge. I finally feel like I’m back in a routine and my computer dies a horrible death. Drowned in my husband’s cup of coffee.

While it was being replaced, I used a legal pad and a pen to write.
I think I will keep using a pad. It was freeing. 

I had gotten in the habit of taking my computer with me, but it’s often difficult to read the screen or just hold it on my lap. Typing while on the road is awkward.

So I have incorporated writing on the pad, then the next day adding that to my manuscript. It has returned me to a successful routine. I add the previous day’s work, correct any errors and go forward from there.

This might not work for you, but it is getting me back in the groove.

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  1. Great news, Barbara! I'm so glad you're back in a routine. I haven't written on a pad in years, mostly because my handwriting has devolved into a scribble half the time :-), but my husband uses pen and paper for almost all his brainstorming. Hope you're enjoying your writing time!

  2. What ever works is great. I have a writer friend who always does it this way. I can't. I look at a pad of paper and my mind goes blank, but her pencil flies across the page. Good for you!

  3. You're in league with J.K. go, girl. And keep up the travel...grist for the writer as well as good for the soul! Mush on!

  4. Congrats on getting back into the writing groove, Barb!

  5. I've heard other writers say the same thing about writing longhand. I've never tried it--I'm afraid I'd never be able to keep pace with my brain, and I'd forget the good stuff before I got it down. LOL But I'm so glad to hear you've found a new method to help ease you back into your writing.

  6. Congrats on finding a way to free your imagination, Barb. As the others say, whatever works. If I wrote longhand, I couldn't read it. My writing has deteriorated too much. Not for a physical reason, I'm just in such a hurry to get the words down that my hand can't keep up. I'm happy to hear you're back in the groove.

  7. I've written the occasional scene on a pad, and it worked fairly well. I'm not sure it would work as an ongoing method, but I'm glad it's going well for you. Whatever it takes, right?

  8. That’s how I write, too. Can’t train myself to compose on the computer. Guess I’m just meant to be old school.
