
Thursday, January 4, 2018

Show 2018 Who's the Boss! by Christine DePetrillo

I've decided I don't like the word "resolutions." The term isn't aggressive enough for me.  I feel as if you can let resolutions fall to the wayside too easily. I prefer "goals." New Year's Goals.

Yeah, much better. Now I feel as if I HAVE to meet them. I have to show 2018 that I'm in charge. I'm the boss. I mean business!

So here we go...

5. Release the rest of my Warrior Wolves series. I have the remaining three books written. They just need editing, cover art, and uploading. This should take me through the year pretty well as I usually release three books a year. I'll of course be working on another series, especially since I took the entire month of December off from writing as I usually do. I've got a series based on acts of kindness sketched out (with two books in that series written and plans for number three), so I have plenty to keep me busy. I look forward to inventing new book boyfriends.

4. Collaborate with other authors. I want to continue having a blast with author Amanda Torrey in our reader Facebook group, Small Town Hearts, and the two of us might just be cooking up some other fun. Stay tuned. If you're not a member of Small Town Hearts, come join us. We have such a cozy spot on the internet.

3. Achieve balance. With the above two writing-related goals, I must remember to also take time to... you know... live. I get so wrapped up in my pursuits that sometimes I forget to have fun. Okay, okay. I OFTEN forget to have fun. I must change that. I'm not getting any younger (and the search for a vampire to turn me has remained unsuccessful).

2. Stay physically active. As mentioned in #3, I'm not getting any younger so I feel the need to move more. I can keep time from catching up to me if I just walk and hike a little faster, a little farther. The dog will help me with this one.

1. Be happy. This is all about having a positive attitude because it makes all the difference. Happy people imagine themselves to be happy and then that becomes their reality.

What are your goals for 2018?



  1. I don't like "resolutions" or "goals," Chris! LOL! I am so NOT a goal-setter (which is probably why I fail miserably at NaNoWriMo every time I try). I do have a list of things I want to accomplish, but I prefer the word "intentions." It's less of a commitment. :-)

    So in 2018, I intend to:
    * Finish the blasted book I've been working on for about five years.
    * Lose those extra couple of pounds I packed on over the last five years and stop eating all the goodies people bring into work.
    * Make an effort to keep mobile throughout the day, which will require some intention since I have a job that chains me to a desk much of the day.
    * Stick to a budget. (Son No. 2's wedding last year blew us waaaay off track.)

    I think that's enough for me. I'm starting to break out into hives!! :-)

  2. Excellent list. My goals are to make great headway on the next series. This will be my edgiest one yet. Oh, and to lose a few pounds. The older you get, the harder it is...despite multiple daily dog walks!

  3. Two books out in 2018; Landscaping redo front and back yards; Many-faceted fun reunion of family and friends in WA/OR; Create marketing schemes that actually promote sales; Savor more moments in my home, in nature and with friends and family; add something to my exercise routine.

    1. Just checking to see if one of my tech goals is met...

  4. I turn 70 this year. My goal is to see 2019. Seriously, write more and at a higher standard. Start a new series I've roughly sketched out. Keep Calvin healthy. He fell again last night coming out of the master bath.

  5. Great goals/intentions, Roses! 2018 is ours for the taking!

  6. My goals are surprisingly similar to yours, Chris, although not quite as ambitious. I want to release the third book in my female bodyguard series in May, then figure out where my new series is going and get a good start on the first book. I'm also looking forward to participating in whatever new ventures this group cooks up, as well as another small promo group I'm in. I'm not getting any younger even faster than you, so I want to keep my activity level up to a reasonable standard. Whew! That's probably enough for me.

  7. My goals are to promote the psychological suspense novel I published late last year, EYES WITHOUT A FACE, and the third Mad Max mystery, UNSAFE HAVEN, which comes out next month.

    On the writing side, I have a different book in the works, a novel in stories that lacks a single serial killer. Needed a break.

  8. I'm in the process of trying to move house so that's one goal--to finally get it done. I've also just finished a full length novel I'm about to start hawking around, so seeing it published is another. And, need I say, weight loss? Why is it that we all want weight loss?

  9. Your goals rock, Chris. I've set a goal of writing 2 of the books in my Joshua series (brand new) and kicking off a release for book five in the Love and Murder series...whenever I get the date. But I too have vowed to keep moving. I started walking 3 miles at least 5 days a week and then the holidays and illness set in. So my goal is to get back to that next week. And yes, let's all have MORE FUN!

  10. Love the title of this one. So in your face to the new year. My goals are similar. Like Vonnie, to see 2019 and beyond would be very nice. Since I just turned in the second book in my Brothers in Blue series, bringing that through the publishing and promotion process, completing Book Three currently at 20 pages and counting, (one book, and possibly a novella seems to be my limit), on the health front to keep moving, moving, moving logging those miles, not necessarily further and faster, just getting them done. And being happy. I picked Joy (my mother's name as well) as my operative word for 2018. May that become my reality.

  11. Those are great goals, I especially like the last one. I intend to be more productive with my writing and lose weight. Let's see if I accomplish either. :D
