
Sunday, October 15, 2017

Together Again by Alison Henderson

If you read my post last month, you know OG and I recently traveled to Kansas City for his 50th high school reunion. Since this was such a momentous event, I thought I'd share some of my observations with you.

First, the trip itself. I've traveled several times since we moved to California, but OG hadn't flown in nearly four years. He was dreading it, and I was dreading it with him. Travel is always easier for me when I don't have to worry about how someone else is doing. I also wasn't exactly at my best. 

The morning we left, I had to get up at 3:30 a.m., so I didn't sleep at all. The night before, I had awakened at 3:05 and never gone back to sleep. The first night in the hotel, the air conditioner in the room came on every 20 minutes with the roar of a freight train, so--you guessed it--I didn't sleep at all again! By the following night, after the first party of the weekend, I had been awake for 70 hours straight. I was getting shaky and a little loopy. That night, I slept and returned to normal--or at least as normal as I ever get. The next couple of days were fine. I went to the art museum with my mother, spoke about indie publishing to a couple dozen of her friends, and met my sister's two new little dogs. However, the weekend wasn't about me. 

OG had been anxious about going for weeks. Two days before we left, he said he wished he'd never agreed to attend. He hadn't seen or spoken to anyone in his class in more than thirty years and wasn't sure he would remember anyone or they would remember him. I think his main worry, though, was how to explain himself and his life. Men in particular tend to define themselves by their careers, and he felt his was a disappointment. My feeling is, it isn't necessary to spill your guts to everyone you encounter at an event like this, but somehow he seemed to think people would be able to tell just by looking at him. 

Fortunately, a few months ago, his best friend from high school managed to track him down through my author FB page (of all things!) They've been emailing ever since, and we've gotten together with him and his wife twice--it turned out they only live a couple of hours away. They're wonderful people, and spending time with them made the whole weekend easier and much more fun for both of us.

From the first minutes of the first event, OG's fears turned out to be unfounded. I watched with great pleasure as he reconnected with former neighbors and his old football teammates. Everyone was happy to see him, and he obviously felt the same. People were genuinely curious about each other's lives, but without judgement, as far as I could tell. By age 68, they seemed to have gained the wisdom to simply accept and enjoy each other. I couldn't have asked for more.



  1. Accept and enjoy. Great words to live My OG and his good friend from high school reconnected through my FB page too and it's like they picked up where they left off via phone. He lives cross country from us. Traveling can be stressful. So glad OG had a good time, and you were able to catch up on your sleep, eventually. AND share your author ways. Always a bonus! Congrats.

  2. Lately, I've been feeling a lot like your OG before events. Why did I agree to do this? When I get there, I'm fine and have a good time. I feel for you with your lack of sleep. You had so much on your mind. People complain about Facebook, yet it's been great as a way to connect with old friends. Hubs recently connected with a guy he went to college with and who was in our wedding party recently. It was super meeting them for lunch and reconnecting. I'm so glad you shared your experience going to OG's reunion.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful time, Alison! I've felt much the same way about high school reunions and have never attended one. I'm not even sure when the last one was, or when the next one will be! I'm so glad you and OG had a great experience. I hope you've caught up on your rest by now!

  4. I'm glad OG had a good time and you, too, once you got some rest. I've never gone back to any of my high school reunions. I guess I'm just too shy.

  5. Sounds like you two wound up having a great time. I've never been to a high school reunion. They never mesh with my summer work schedule. I travel up to my old hometown to see my mom at least once a year, but I never see high school friends while I'm there. I have reconnected with a few on Facebook. Maybe the next one. I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves!

  6. Yay! As you already know my reunion experience was wonderful...I'm glad OG had fun, too. Out of the experience, if we make one good connection that has staying it successful. Looks like that happened to OG...he/you hit the jackpot!

    By the way, JL, Brenda and I had fun at InD'Scribe Con. We're wending our ways home today. Like you and OG, returning home is always a joy.

  7. Thanks, Margo. OG and his friend were much the same. The years just melted away.

  8. Diane, I'm so glad to hear about another connection with an old friend. As we age, those connections feel like special blessings.

  9. Leah, I haven't been to a high school reunion since my tenth, and I doubt I'll ever go to another, but I was glad OG was able to have this experience.

  10. Vonnie, I was a smiling zombie for the first couple of days, but hey, I don't know these people! What do I care what they think? LOL

  11. Jannine, I haven't been to a reunion in decades and have no interest in attending one. OG seemed to have a closer group of friends, and this was good for him.

  12. Rolynn, you're so right about that one good connection. It was worth all the trouble.

  13. I'm so glad the weekend was a success for both of you. My hubby also hates to travel and it's hard to get him to go anywhere. He doesn't seem to be interested in reconnecting with anyone from his past. I'm hoping he changes his mind before his 50 year reunion, which will be next year.

  14. Patty, I hope your hubby changes his mind before his reunion, too. The experience was well worth the trip.

  15. I'm so glad your husband was able to enjoy the reunion. Wow, I can't imagine how you were even functioning on so little sleep. How awful. thanks for sharing the recap. I'm glad it turned out great!
