
Friday, October 13, 2017

The happiest words an author can write

The End

I just finished my latest manuscript. It went pretty fast -- three months, 72,000 words. I did a bit of world-building for it (this is an angels and demons book and I create some rules for how things are run).

I incorporated some of the recent political shenanigans into the book, as well as some of our tragedies (shootings). I find that this kind of writing helps me cope with what's happening to America today. I'm still reeling from the right-turn our country has taken and the news every day shakes my faith in humanity. But writing is my Sane Place, where I can create scenarios that turn out okay in the end.

It seems like every time I start a book, I go flat-out for the first third; I somewhat stall at the middle third; then I got hellbent for leather on the final third. I think I see the finish line 😉This book was no exception. I've learned to expect it when I write, but I still wonder during that middle third if I can move it along.

I have to do editing now, and go through and make sure it all hangs together. But that can wait. For now...

The End. Sweet music to my ears.



  1. Congrats, JL! I know how you feel. Every morning when I click the little news icon on my phone, I wonder what new tragedy we'll be facing. I also have that flat middle third of my book that feels like I'm slogging through a swamp. Thank God I'm in the final stretch now and cruising on my latest.

  2. I love the world building of stories. It's a well needed escapism. As for the news, I worry about the fires, the storms, the nuts with guns, and the degenerates who prey on innocent children. And that doesn't even bring in the political arena.

  3. It's always good to find inspiration in reality, irregardless of our personal feelings on the matter. I agree with you, this world has gone a little mad lately. I'm nearing the home stretch on my latest as well. It will be so, so very nice when I can once and for all type THE END.

  4. What a fantastic feeling to write The End. Three months to write 72k? Wow. That is fast!!! What you say about the middle third is true for me, too. I dread turning on the news each morning. I fear for our future. I hate that our children have lock-down drills. Fire and tornado drills are necessary because of weather and accidents (hopefully not arson). But to fear some pyscho with a gun could enter the school and shoot indiscriminately is horrifying. My heart aches for the people in Las Vegas and those who've lost their homes in the wild fires in CA. I haven't feared for nuclear war since drills in grade school when we ducked under our desks. Yeah, like that would save us. If we can lose ourselves in our writing and block out awful reality, that's great. Best wishes, JL.

  5. Yes, three months is super fast. Congratulations!
