
Saturday, October 21, 2017

I love the Fall and Halloween by Barbara Edwards

Fall is my favorite season. I love the changing colors on the trees, the sharp crisp air, frost on the morning fields and cool nights.  Then we have Halloween to bring out some really strange yard decorations. One neighbor has a graveyard next to the road. One has ghosts hung on the porch. I have carved lighted pumpkins on my porch.

Where we live we don’t get trick-or-treaters. Its the last house at the top of a hill  and I think kids are a little lazy. We might get some this year since a neighbor rented to a family with children. We’ll see.

One fun thing is my granddaughter asking to borrow on of my Civil War dresses to wear to school for extra credit.  She was supposed to send me a photo but its not here yet. 

Check out my free stories on my blog, for creepy, scary stuff.

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  1. Fall is my favorite season, too, Barbara, for all the reasons you mentioned. We're just starting to get some chill in the air where I live (southeastern Virginia), and I'm long as it doesn't get TOO cold. :-) Love your photos!

  2. Great photos! No trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood, either. They all go to the neighborhoods with more year-round residents. Ours is full of summer cabins. But, hey, at least I don't buy any tempting candy I'm forced to eat!

  3. Beautiful photos. Fall is my favorite season too, but here in Michigan we're still experiencing summer weather. Very strange. We don't get many trick or treaters either. That frees us up to head to the grandkids' houses and celebrate the holiday with them. After all Halloween is for kids, right?

  4. Thanks for the Fall pics. Last night, here in CA, is the first night (for sleeping) we didn't add the overnight fan to the open windows. Yup. Must be fall!

  5. I love the warm days and cool nights. As Margo said, summer hasn't left us. It was 72 at 7 pm. We live in a family neighborhood so lots of kiddies. But our town has designated trick-or-treat times--6 to 8pm. If the porch light is out, the kids don't stop. Last year was the 1st since we've been here that it didn't rain. We sat outside at the top of the drive with our neighbor so we talked and the kids only had to make one stop. Can't wait to see what the grandkiddies wear.

  6. I also love fall! It's probably tied with winter as my favorite. I am immersing myself in all thinks pumpkin-spiced this season. :) LOL, kids are lazy. Love it!
