
Friday, September 15, 2017

The Big Reunion by Alison Henderson

As you read this, OG and I are in Kansas City for his fiftieth (yes, FIFTIETH!) high school reunion. A momentous occasion, if there ever was one. He's a little nervous--uncertain if he'll recognize anyone. He has only seen one member of his class in the past thirty years, and this is his first-ever reunion. I'm going along as moral support and eye-candy. LOL

Interestingly, this whole thing came about through my author Facebook page. One woman on the reunion committee exhibited super-duper cyber-detective skills by somehow managing to make a connection between OG and my page. I'll never know how she did it, because Henderson is a common surname, and I don't mention him by name anywhere on my personal or author page. OG likes to maintain a VERY low (i.e. non-existent) online presence, which is why I never mention him by name anywhere. 

At any rate, the committeewoman gave my author page info to OG's best friend from high school, who happens to live a couple of hours north of us. They had lost touch many years ago, but he contacted me through my page, asking if my husband was the same _____ Henderson who graduated from _____ High School in Kansas City in 1967. After checking with OG, I sent his contact info. To my great pleasure, the two of them have been in frequent contact ever since. OG's friend and his wife have visited us in Carmel, and we had lunch with them (along with PO&O) when we were in the Bay Area on vacation last month. OG has really enjoyed renewing this friendship, and I'm thrilled to have played a small part in the serendipity.

While we're in Kansas City, I'll also have an opportunity to see my mother and sister, who still live in town. A couple of weeks ago, my mother asked if I'd like to chat with my fans. I laughed and said I don't have any fans, but she assured me I do. Apparently, many of her friends in the retirement home where she lives have read my books! As a result, this afternoon, I'll be giving a talk there on self-publishing to anyone who's interested. I doubt many of the eighty-somethings want to take up fiction writing, but some are very interested in writing and publishing memoirs for their families. I plan to do my best to help them get started.

Some of you followed the saga of my search for a dress to wear to the main reunion event on Facebook, and cheered with me when I found the perfect little black dress. To my dismay, OG later received an email indicating that the party was to be "business casual." I was concerned that my dress would be too formal, but everyone encouraged me to wear it anyway. I took your collective advice and changed accessories to dress it down a bit. For those who were curious, here's the final outfit. You can't see the fun neckline, but maybe the room will get so warm I'll take off the sweater. The party is tomorrow night, so send good thoughts my way!



  1. Have a great time, you and OG. My OG and I have re-connected with former high school buds recently. It's always fun. Enjoy! And the author appearance! How cool!

  2. Very cool, Alison! Facebook has been so great for reconnecting, although OG sure got lucky that the classmate had such keen sleuthing skills! (I think I channeled Nancy Drew for a minute there.) :-) The dress is fabulous and as long as you're comfortable, it's perfect. I know you'll wow your fans, too. :-) Have a wonderful time!

  3. Everyone will ask OG where he got the trophy wife! Have a great time at the reunion, both of you. Also, enjoy your presentation at the retirement home. I bet your mom's friends will be thrilled to hear all about the ins and outs of self-publishing!

  4. Score a big one for you, Alison. Getting our men to reconnect like this is super-difficult; OG sounds a lot like my husband, very quiet in social situations. He's lucky he's got you at his side, looking lovely in that outfit! Good event all can write it off because of the retirement home gig! Have fun talking of the women you talk to will get the spark and write something important...she's in the room! Have fun, take pics. We want to hear the deeds.

  5. Enjoy the reunion. Your dress looks great--rather, you look great. What fun to talk to your fans! I didn't think I would know anybody from high school. I had sort of kept in touch with one girl and she'd kept in touch with another. By meeting them at the reunion, I had a great time. We left our OGs at home. I'm sure your OG appreciates you going with him. BTW, my DIL's parents are from KC. Wouldn't it be something if they went to the same h.s.?

  6. You look great, Alison. What a fun time or at least interesting time you'll have. Let us know how it went!

  7. Thanks, everyone! We just got home and are trashed. I'm doing the laundry, and OG is napping. It was exhausting and emotionally a little difficult for him, but I think it was good for him to attend. More later!

  8. You look gorgeous! Kansas City? I LOVE Kansas City! I lived there for 3 years and I miss it soooo much. Can't wait to hear about the reunion!
