
Saturday, September 23, 2017

It’s Here! … so now what? by Margo Hoornstra

As many of you who read these pages know, On The Surface, Book 1 in my Brothers In Blue series and first romantic suspense, releases worldwide on September 29, 2017. Amazon, Barnes and Noble, KOBO, you name the book outlet and, thanks to The Wild Rose Press, I – rather, On The Surface – will be there. For all the world to see!
So how, exactly, does one go about getting the world to…well…see it?
Tweets, FaceBook posts and well-run blog tours help some. But, what else could I do to get the word out I wondered? Then an idea arrived at my door. Literally. The local shopping guide. Of the paper and ink variety. Circulation of a few hundred thousand.
When my first book came out in 2009, and having been a communications and public relations specialist in my former life, the press release was my go to promotional device. I’d sent one to them at that time they were happy to publish. Why not try again?
There’s only one problem. I’ve always been good at promoting others and their message. When it comes to tooting my own horn, not so much.
The whole who, what, where, when, why and how comes easily enough. The facts and a bit of a tease. Like this.
On The Surface, Book 1 in the Brothers In Blue series, is the latest book release from local author Margo Hoornstra. Available in both electronic and print formats at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, KOBO and other venues where books are sold, On The Surface is the story of one man’s revenge turned to redemption.
Then to add insight into the story. Using the entire blurb would be a bit much, don’t you think? With a general audience and all, better to keep it generic, and definitely PG.
Brad Collins is a bounty hunter more by necessity than choice. Determined to bring in the felon who ruined his life, he’s soon neck deep in a different situation he never saw coming.
Keep them reading with a little more to come...on.
On The Force, Book 2 of the Brothers In Blue series, is set to release in the fall of 2018.
Personalize with a touch of bio.
A city girl turned country woman, Margo enjoys hikes around the wide open spaces of her home, hates to cook and loves to read. With the kids and grandkids near, she and her husband reside in Potterville.
Now for a catchy headline. How about one of these?
All Romantic Suspense Fans! Listen Up!
(Maybe too in your face catchy, huh?)
Attention, Fans of Romantic Suspense.
Fans of Romantic Suspense, Don’t Miss This!
(There I go. Too in your face again.)
How about the simple.
Latest Book Released by Local Author.
Short, sweet, to the point…and done.
So, what do you think? Should I send it in?
My days to blog here are the 11th and 23rd. For more about me and my stories, please visit my WEBSITE
Oh, almost forgot, the one thing you can't do in print promo is provide the BUYLINK 
Now, it's really done.


  1. I think it's great, Margo. As a former Books columnist for my local paper, that's exactly what I needed. I presume you're going to email the release? Don't forget add the cover image and your headshot. On the headline, how about"Local author releases new romantic suspense novel"?? (Might be too long?) Anyway, congrats! I'll be sure to grab my copy!

  2. Local Writer Offers New Suspense Novel

    I shortened Leah's ... but I think the local author biz versus the promo 'fan' thing will work better in a local paper.

    I use press releases for local book signings...great to keep your name out go girl!

  3. Great idea. And I'd be sure to have local author in the title. I think for small news pubs that's a huge draw.

  4. Local author is always a good start, margo when my first book came out, I got several local newspaper interviews on the basis of 'local author'--and I'd moved by then as well.

  5. Leah and Rolynn, I knew I could count of you guys for suggestions to make my news release better. Thank you. E-mail the release, Leah? That's right. Head shot and cover image it is.

    Brenda, We gotta do what we gotta do. The local angle always seems to work.

    Andi, Here's hoping I actually get invited for an interview. However, akkk!!! sure hope it'll be print, not video. I might freeze.

  6. I think the releases sounds great. I did one for my first book because I was having a book signing. Haven't done one since, but I probably should. I think locals like to see that sort of thing. Good news for a change!

    1. Glad you approve, Jannine. Hope getting back to my roots, you could say, might nudge up my sales.

  7. Yes! You definitely should send it in. Sounds great. I like the idea of mentioning local author AND romantic suspense in the title. Be sure to let us know how it goes. excited for you! And I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of seeing this wonderful book through to publication.

    1. I agree, Ally, adding suspense to the headline. You and Jannine both hung with me to get this one published. Can't thank you enough.

  8. Oh wow! Definitely worth a shot.
    Good luck and God's blessings

  9. Thank you so much, Pam. I'm going for it! ;-D

  10. I'm so happy that your book is now available. You did a great job on the press release. Since we don't live close, I may steal that from you. LOL Or at least the headline, thanks to Leah & Rolynn. Best wishes!

  11. Steal away, Diane. What are friends for? I'm excited. This book was a long time coming!
