
Saturday, September 2, 2017

In Case Anyone Wanted An Jannine Gallant

When I was thinking about blog topics, it occurred to me my last three posts could use a follow up...just in case anyone cares. LOL

Back in July... We asked for feedback for the first line of our Christmas stories. The top two contenders were:

3)  Pulling this off would take a Christmas miracle.

4) The eggnog was definitely spiked.

The Roses voted, and the winner by a slim margin was...drum roll, please...

Pulling this off would take a Christmas miracle.

We hope you'll all stop by in December to read our stories. I'm excited to see what everyone comes up with, since, (for the first time ever) the group actually voted for my line! And in case you're wondering, the entries are all anonymous.

Early in August, I blogged about my old laptop that was dying a slow and painful (to me) death. I asked for replacement suggestions. Well, I finally sucked it up and got a new one. And the winner is: A Lenovo Flex 5. It's still the larger screen size, but with a narrow border and no CD drive, the laptop is much less bulky and far lighter than my old one, which is what I wanted. I got the power and memory I needed and am actually liking the touchscreen capacity that reminds me of my phone. Chrome saved all my passwords, so that nightmare didn't happen. I'm getting used to Windows 10 with no major issues, so maybe this old dog can learn new tricks. AND, it was on sale...$200.00 off! Let's just hope it lasts as long as my old one did...

Finally, my last post was about my new book covers and branding. If you'll recall, Kensington decided to give my BORN TO BE WILDE series a more suspenseful vibe by repackaging the series to better compliment my soon to be released mass market books. They just finished the third book cover for WILDE THING. This story takes place mostly in Tahoe in the winter, and this cover is my favorite of the bunch. The background scene is the Truckee River just outside Tahoe City on the way to Squaw Valley. Very, very cool! They still have to finish the final cover for WILDE HORSES before they'll all be traded out on retail sites, but I couldn't resist sharing.

For now, check out all my books on my WEBSITE. Currently, an oldie but a goody is on sale for .99 cents for a limited time. Pick up your copy of EVERY STEP SHE TAKES while it's a rockin' deal! Happy reading!


  1. Fantastic job on the first line, Jannine! The top two were both great, but I love that the "winner" is so flexible. You can write just about any genre, or tone, from that line.

    Good luck with the new laptop. Sounds like a winner already!

    And finally, you know I loved your Born to be Wilde series, but I LOVE the cover make-overs, and WILDE THING is stunning. I'm so excited for your upcoming mass market release! (When the first book is out, I plan to go to my local B&N, find it and walk around telling everyone I know you. And if it's not there, I'll ask for it!) :-)

  2. I think I love you, Leah! LOL I have no clue how many physical stores will order my mass market book. I hope a bunch, but since none of the buyers have heard of me, it could be tough. The good news is that apparently romantic suspense is selling well again in paperback, so that should help me out. In general, I'm not a huge fan of the floating heads, but this one is gorgeous. My husband says she's hot. LOL

  3. I'll answer in kind:
    #1 - I love the first line and have already started my story!
    #2 - Im glad you're so happy with your new Lenovo. I told you Windows 10 wasn't so awful. LOL
    #3 - The new covers are all terrific, and Wilde One is no exception. I'm so happy Kensington is treating you with the respect you deserve. I expect great things!

  4. I haven't even figured out a plot for my Christmas story yet. Normally, I have something in mind when I think of a first line. Except for this year. I was going for lots of options. LOL I'm glad you're making progress, Alison. I need to get on that...

  5. Okay, what Alison said. Ditto. (I worked all week. I'm tired ;-) You go! So happy for you!

  6. I think I have some characters ready for my new Christmas story, but nothing else. Ack! I'm bushed from my trip to much to take in after talking to a curator, several 'Interp' Rangers and so many other experiences that pushed my envelope. I will tell you on the 10th. Jannine, I LOVE the new covers and wait in anticipation for the market to enjoy them, as well!

  7. Thanks, Margo!

    Glad you like them, Rolynn. If you have characters, you're a step ahead of me!

  8. I feel for you with replacing the laptop. Me, too. And mine wasn't that old. Congrats on finding what you like. I didn't know that line was yours. Good job. I know the characters and basically why it will take a miracle. That's it. But I'm further ahead than I was sat this time last year. Love the new cover. I'm glad you updated us readers on your former posts. Happy weekend.

  9. Thanks, Diane. The only thing I've come up with for a Christmas miracle is parallel parking. How strange is that! The mind of a writer is a mysterious thing... LOL

  10. Thanks for the update, Jannine. It's been so much fun watching your steady rise in your author success. So happy and well deserved.

  11. I appreciate the vote of confidence, Brenda. I feel like I'm making progress, but the jury's still out on the success part!

  12. Lenovo--the old IBM co.--is excellent. I had one before I decided to switch to a Mac. Sure you'll be happy. And the cover is fabulous. Good luck with that series.

  13. Thanks for the update. Congrats on having your line chosen. I just now learned it was yours. :) I like it and hope I can create a good story to go along with it. Yay you on the laptop. I told you Windows 10 was easy. Hope you enjoy your new toy. And, wow, that cover is spectacular!! Love it...congrats!

  14. Thanks, Ally. I love the cover, too. Now if they'd get the fourth one finished and load them all to retail sites, I'd be thrilled!
