
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Back to School, Back to Work! by Alison Henderson

All right, everyone, it's the day after Labor Day--the first official day of fall according to my internal calendar. And what does fall mean, besides putting your white shoes away until next year? Back to school, of course! The fact that many schools now start in August hasn't altered my clock one bit. School never started before September when I was a student. When my daughter was in school we lived in Minnesota, where by law the school year started the day after Labor Day. It's a shame that's no longer the case. 

I'll admit, I'm an autumn kind of girl. As a child, I loved school and was excited to see my friends and dive back into classes after a long, hot Kansas summer spent largely in the company of my mother and siblings. (Not that they weren't fun, but...well, you know.) I loved the shorter days and dropping temperatures. The fact that my birthday is in early October only added to the appeal.

Even though it's been more than a decade since I participated in back-to-school activities--either as a student or a parent--the seasonal rhythm has never left me. Since I first developed a concept of time as a young child, I've always visualized the year as a circle--a circle that begins in September, not January. Autumn invigorates me, physically and mentally. There's so much to accomplish before the next big break around the holidays. 

So what does this mean for me as a writer? This year, I hope it means an influx of energy and enthusiasm to make real progress on my WIP. I'm about 40% done with the first draft and would love to finish it before I forget why I thought this story was a good idea in the first place. I'll also make time to squeeze in my ROP Christmas story. They always put me in a good mood!

What does fall mean to you? Do you feel energized like me, or sad to see summer end?



  1. Yes! I'm with you, Alison. The summer heat drains me (even though I spend most of the time in air conditioning), but even a 10-degree drop from 80s to 70s on the thermometer feels like instant energy to me. Autumn is definitely my favorite season, followed quickly by spring. (I sense a pattern of moderate weather here.) :-) Our schools in NJ always start after Labor Day; same here in Virginia. I remember going back-to-school shopping and coming home with sweaters and other cool-weather fabrics and couldn't wait until it was actually cool enough to wear them! Wishing you (and me!) much renewed vigor for writing this fall.

  2. I enjoy Autumn because our neighborhood Flea Markets start up again...and, how excited the neighborhood children get over Halloween and the Thanksgiving Day parade!

  3. The cool weather came in time for 1st day of school today. For years, my life centered on the school calendar. Either I was going to school, teaching, or my kids were in school, the year started in Sept. After our kids graduated from h.s., the colleges started in August, so the year changed. In 1999, everything changed. No school starting; both kids had graduated. I felt lost. Now the grandkids are in school and I look forward to my daughter's pics with the kids holding signs "1st day of 5th (or 2nd) grade."

    I'm energized by the cool weather, too. Like you, Alison, my b'day is in early October. Fall is my fav time of year (followed quickly by Spring). So hurray for Fall.

  4. Summer is hectic at our house. Tara was home from college, and both girls were in and out working different hours. Normally my husband works a lot, but not this year with his broken clavicle, so he was underfoot. I work extremely early hours at the boat ramp and feel tired all summer. Fall means life gets back to what will be our new normal as empty-nesters. While I'll miss the girls, it means I'll have less distraction when it comes to writing. The boat ramp job ends. I have no excuse not to focus on finishing my current WIP. Happy writing to all of us!

  5. I like sunny mornings...I seem to write summer isn't the best for me regarding word output. Here on the Central Coast, while Bakersfield bakes, the summer comes with a marine layer. Kind of gloomy some mornings. I should complain? All seasons are lovely here on the Coast. It's an energizing place most of the year.

  6. I loved back-to-school shopping, too, Leah. Maybe I should treat myself to a little spree! We're at the tail end of a nasty heat wave right now, and I can't wait for the return of cool onshore breezes.

  7. Good morning, Angela. Flea markets sound like a fun autumn activity!

  8. Diane, I have to admit to feeling a little lost, too, now that I'm out of the rhythm of the school year. I watch the buses pick up the children at the end of our street with more than a little nostalgia.

  9. Jannine, your summers are so hectic, no wonder you look forward to fall! I hope your hubby's clavicle is all healed now.

  10. Rolynn, it's taken me nearly five years, but I've almost acclimated to the June Gloom and Fogust of the Central Coast. LOL. However, I can't wait for the return of brisk, sunny days and bright blue skies.

  11. I'm with you, Alison. I love Fall. IMHO the circle does begin in September instead of January. Hmmmmm. I, too, have a wip waiting to be finished. AND a ROP Christmas story too. Where does the time go?

  12. I LOVE autumn!! Love pumpkin stuff and cooler weather and the leaves changing and Halloween and all things October. Yay!! Enjoyed the post and pics!
