
Friday, June 2, 2017

When Your "Adult" Children Come Home by Jannine Gallant

Younger (Kristen) and Older (Tara)

Summer break is here. College kids are streaming home in droves...including mine. I'm noticing an interesting change in dynamics around the house. First on the list--grocery shopping. We're constantly running out of food because I've apparently forgotten how much my twenty-year-old daughter eats! Approximately three times what her eighteen-year-old sister, finishing up her senior year, consumes. Tara races in triathlons and is still in training, so she has some excuse, but still! Then there's the added laundry. The girl is also twice as dirty as her sister...probably from all that running and biking and swimming. Yes, I'm a sucker and wash it, but then I dump it in her room. My generosity doesn't extend to folding. I've also noticed a difference in my expectations. I text my younger daughter to see where she is, what she's doing, when she'll be home, etc. etc. I actually don't do that with the older one. Since I'm pretty sure I have almost no idea what she's up to 90% of the time while she's at college, I probably don't need to micro-manage her summer. And I'm okay with that. Shocking! Finally, she actually put gas in the car without me asking AND PAID FOR IT HERSELF. An unheard-of sign of adulthood. My younger one would never dream of gassing up the car. She gives it back when the little tank light is flashing imminent destruction. Maybe one of these days...

As you all may remember, I have a new release available now. WILDE HORSES wraps up the BORN TO BE WILDE series. This is Eden's story, the youngest Wilde sibling. Eden lives at home, with her parents, at age 26! But you have to cut her some slack since she helps run the family ranch. Still, there are a few awkward moments when an extremely hot, charming, and irresistible movie star arrives on the scene. Parents will always be parents!

So, how's your summer shaping up? Any big changes on the horizon? If you need some fun summer reading, pick up a copy of WILDE HORSES at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Apple. Happy reading!


  1. Beautiful girls. Nice work! As you know, i have two girls as well, plus two boys. After all the trials and tribulations, adult kids come back to be your best friends. Though it is sometimes a very long road to get there. Best of luck with the Wilde ones. Love those siblings!

  2. Thanks, Margo. Weren't not quite to the best friends stage. I still feel like I'm being tolerated most of the time. LOL

    1. Ah. The being yolerated never does change...much. You're still only their mother after all.

  3. My son came back and forth a few times before totally getting out on his own (now with a family). You think girls eat a lot and have tons of dirty clothes. Try a big hulking guy. I love your series and will be sure to read this one. Cover is great!

  4. My son and DIL are eagerly waiting for Ryan to come home. He and some of the wrestlers went on a camping trip to Acadia National Park after finals were over. They've been mountain climbing, much to my dismay. There will come a time when your daughters will turn to you. They're finding pieces of themselves at college and when they're home, it's hard for them to hang onto it. After all, it's so easy to fall back into old habits like letting mom do your laundry.

  5. When we all get together, my siblings and I a goofy, pranky degree. It's fun for us, but disturbing for others. Also, the age differences disappear. Your daughters will probably get there. As for me...I'm enjoying the reunion. Montreal, Quebec City, and Niagara Falls are next.

  6. I can only imagine (in a horrified way) how much boys eat, Brenda! I hope you enjoy Wilde Horses.

    Yeah, Vonnie, and if mom is a sucker and does that laundry... I'm sure your son & DIL will enjoy having Ryan home.

    Glad you're having fun, Rolynn!

  7. I noticed that change in dynamic the very first Christmas holiday of freshman year. I'm pretty sure my daughter did, too, because she never came home for the summer the whole time she was in college. We haven't seen her for more than a week at a time since 2004! However, when she does come home, she becomes about 12 again, allowing me to spoil her in every way possible. LOL

  8. I only came home the first summer after I went to college, Alison. Tara said this will probably be her last one home since she needs to stay at school next summer to get a research position. More changes!

  9. Your daugters are lovely! I'm sure in spite of the changes, you're happy to have them home! :) Congrats on the final in the series. Looks awesome!

  10. Ah yes...I remember it well. :-) It's an adjustment when they go away, and another (bigger, I think) adjustment when they come home! Sounds like you've managed wonderfully. My two sons have both been back home for one thing or another, and I can confirm that grown boys/young men do eat a whole lot of food. In fact, the deli ladies at the grocery store always know when they're home by the amount of lunch meat I order! Enjoy the summer, Jannine, with your two lovely daughters.

    I read Wilde One and I LOVED it. I am not sure if it's my favorite of the four, but it's definitely a contender for the top spot. Might have to reread the first two to refresh my memory. :-) BTW, Is there a story for Roman in the works? :-)

  11. CORRECTION: I just finished Wilde Horses...and loved it. :-)

  12. Leah, you just made my day! Wilde Horses was my youngest daughter's favorite of the four. For me, it's hard to choose. I thought about Roman needing a story of his own, but he isn't a Wilde. Maybe I could dig out a female Wilde cousin for him... There always seems to be a character you want to write about after the series ends. In my Who's Watching Now books, I always thought Lark (the snotty teenage daughter) should get a story once she grew up. Maybe one of these days... Right now I'm deep into my Siren Cove books, which release in 2018. Not enough hours in the day for all these characters!

  13. Great post, Jannine. Your daughters are beautiful. Isn't it great when you see their maturity? I remember those days when the kids came home from college. Now, 20 yrs later, one of them (and his family) will be moving in with us at the end of the month until they find a house. Since we lived with them (at their request) when we went out to AZ, I have a good idea how things will go. I'll probably use this new adventure for a blog post, after they leave. LOL

  14. Good luck with that, Diane! Sounds like you'll have fodder for a few posts!
