
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Two Days... by Christine DePetrillo

In two days, school is over. Done. The End. 

I'm beside myself with excitement. My insides are literally buzzing. It's time for  a list - Ten Things I Plan To Do This Summer! Are you ready? Here they are in no particular order.

1. Write, write, write, write, write, and write. I've got a book I'm currently revising. I have to re-read another book before sending to my editor and preparing it to be published. I also plan to start my new series revolving around random acts of kindness. I can't wait to dive into this new project!

2. Read, read, read. Summer is my time to truly eat books. I basically devour them all year, but when the sun is high in the sky (or the moon) and I don't have the pressures of work weighing me down, I can consume books at an alarming rate. Like, don't get in my way. Just back up slowly and let me finish my book meal.

3. Go to a conference in Disney! The Romance Writers of America 2017 Conference is in Disney World this July and I've already registered, booked flights and hotel, and secured a Park Hopper. I'm all in for some writing fun, hanging with other romance authors, and spending some time with Mickey! This will be the first time I've ever gone away by myself. Only took 40-something years! 

4. Commune with maple trees. I'm looking forward to hugging lots of Vermont trees this summer. This is my favorite season up there in the Northeast Kingdom. Everything is green and alive. I have a theory that if I had Dorothy's ruby slippers and knocked the heels together as I recited, "There's no place like home," Vermont is where those slippers would send me.  

5. Beach it. Every year I tell myself I will spend more time at the beach, but then I get lazy and settle for writing in the Outdoor Writing Office in my backyard instead of packing up my stuff and driving to the coast. All of a sudden it's August and I've only visited the beach once if that. Not this year. I'm determined to get salt air in my lungs and sand in my... well, I don't actually want sand anywhere it's not supposed to be. 

6. Hear some tunes. I'm trying to win Iron Maiden tickets. I've seen them before and they hold the number one position on my Top Concerts List, but I'd love to see them again. Great, great show with amazing music and wonderful stage performances. I also want to catch the Philharmonic. Last year they played at the beach, but I missed it. This year, I'm there.

7. Bike. Last year, we bought new bikes that I love. I want to explore new trails and cycle all around this summer. There is something about viewing the world from a bike that settles my soul.

8. Have girls' nights. Because... yeah... I've got to. Essential for sanity.

9. Do some school planning. A necessary evil. A school year of 180 days can seem like an eternity if I haven't done some organizing/reflection over the summer. 

10. Be a good doggie and kitty mommy. Summer allows me the freedom to spoil my pets with attention. My dog is always thrilled to have me home (Shut up. He told me so.) He follows me around every day. Or maybe I follow him. Perhaps a bit of both? Anyway, we're finishing each other's barks by the end of the summer because we've spent so much time together and I wouldn't have it any other way.

What are your summer plans? Even if you don't have the summer off, you must have some fun things to do on your agenda. Share 'em.

The Maple Leaf Series, available now
The Shielded Series, available now
The Warrior Werewolves Series, coming soon!


  1. I went to college in Vermont. After I graduated and returned to the "big city," Vermont became my favorite "get away" place. I haven't been able to get there for a while. Please hug a tree for me (and enjoy your summer!).

  2. A great list, Christine. I'm so glad you booked "me" time into your list. We all need that. Writing is a job, one we look forward to, but nevertheless, it is a job. Give yourself permission to enjoy the summer. We live 20 minutes from the beach, yet hardly ever go. (I can't take the heat.) But there's something soothing about watching the waves.

  3. Ooooh. I'm going to National, too. See you there! I love that your list is, like Diane said, filled with me time. Enjoy!

  4. I work more in the summer than the rest of the year. Writing will be happening, of course. Lots of activity around the house with my oldest home from college. Also, I have a trip to the youngest's new college campus for orientation. She graduates high school in one day! Enjoy your months as Summer Chris!

  5. Now that the youknowwhat is over and the happy couple are off and away, I'm just trying to recuperate. But I have promised myself to get fit, read a lot, learn formatting for kindle, and WRITE. I GUESS WE'RE ALL THINKING ABOUT WRITING...

  6. What a great TO DO list, Chris! I loved the 'we end each other's bark' concept. Woof, woof! I'm exploring Montreal, Quebec City, Niagara Falls, Vermont, the mts. of West Virginia and Deep Creek, MD (family reunion). Bucket lists need to be tended moss growing under these feet! Happy summer, Roses!

  7. I'm so glad we are all so busy living life! No other way to do it! Have fun whatever you decide to do!

  8. Enjoy your summer, Chris! I have my son's wedding to look forward to in about five weeks, then a week off with my best buddy from childhood who is flying in from the Midwest. After that, it's back to the grind, but I hope to get back to writing, too!

  9. Oh my, I'd like to be you this summer. Sounds amazing. Except maybe for Iron Maiden. LOL
