
Monday, June 12, 2017

In the Claws of Self Edits


I just shut off my computer and realized I hadn't written my post for today. It's a chain reaction of a writer's life, really. I worked like a madwoman all of last week to finish my first project for Kindle Worlds. Typically, for me, it took a day or two longer than I'd planned. I'm fighting a nasty sinus infection and the antibiotics tend to make me sleepy.

Last night and all day today I read over it again, doing self-edits. I deleted one character. Found a lot of frequently used words, a big weakness of mine. Changed a scene completely. Or was it two? I've forgotten.

I have 52 pages to go and my deadline to turn it in is tomorrow. Now, they never told me what time so I figure I can make it if I get up early enough.

Calvin has an appointment with a urologist tomorrow afternoon, so I can't waste time on facebook or emails. My attention has to stay focused on A STRANGER'S DARE.

How many of us have gotten ourselves into these situations. Please tell me I'm not the only one!


  1. You're not (smile). Frazzled deadlines go with the territory. Keeping fingers crossed for you!

  2. You continue to amaze me with your focus and ability to meet deadlines. :-) I know you'll do it. And I'm glad I'M not the only one who has shut off the computer, then realized there was still something due!

  3. You'll get it finished, Vonnie. You always do, right? Sometimes it just requires more effort! I try to finish projects ahead of time, but it doesn't always happen. Life has a way of interfering sometimes. Feel better.

  4. I hope you feel better, Vonnie. Sinus infections can wreak havoc with concentration. You are such a focused writer I have confidence that you'll finish your project on time. Speaking of which, beware that Amazon operates on Greenwich Mean Time. I discovered that when I tried to upload a corrected version of a pre-order. I knew Amazon is in Washington, Pacific Time, right? Just to be sure, I had it ready before midnight Eastern Time and was locked out. Panic time! That was a hard lesson to learn. I'm sure you have your project done in plenty of time. Good luck.

  5. I constantly shut down my computer and then realize I have to get something else done. As for deadlines....Hope both you and Calvin are feeling better soon

  6. Vonnie, I want to hear all about your Kindle Worlds experience...I'm proud that you've been asked to be a part of one of them. Your last minute changes show your skill, Vonnie, even in the face of a sinus infection and your concern about Calvin. You are a pro. Mush on!

  7. Deadlines, deadlines. But you are the champion. Onward!

  8. It's 12:20 and that bad boy is emailed in. I've been asked to do a parnormal Amazon Worlds, but the due date for it isn't until Sept. of next year. I've been told I can tie it into my Scottish bear shifter series. Amazon does not retain rights to your characters, but does your 'worlds.' So one of my Scottish bears will come to Virginia to attend UVA and create some havoc. I'll keep the Scottish locale for myself.

    Thanks to all for your support. You're the best!

  9. I knew you could do it! And how exciting about another Kindle Worlds project!! I'm so in awe of your dedication and energy. I hope you and Calvin are both feeling better soon.

  10. Yes, both you andCalvin feel better. Healing thoughts your way. Again, I'm awestruck and inspired by you. Another Worlds! Go you and best of luck.

  11. I read the comments and see you made your deadline. Yay! I wish I was that good at making mine. Congrats on the Amazon deal!

  12. You've done great, Vonnie!! Juggling is the name of the writing game. No, you're not alone. In fact, you're ahead of the game. I had a KW release earlier this month, and was writing/editing/copy editing right up until the last day to submit. So, you rock!!! And congrats on the 'dare' release!!
