
Friday, June 9, 2017

Finding THAT Spot by Brenda Whiteside

When was the last time you reached that spot in life? I've hit that spot several times, and I've always known just what kind of a spot I'm in. This time? Not so much.

After finishing the last book in my Love and Murder Series, I'm looking to reorganize and regenerate. I knew I needed a new focus halfway through this book, which sent me into a tailspin to get it completed. Patience is not my middle name. I wanted the summer off of creating to figure out where I'm going next.

The summer off doesn't mean away from author tasks. In fact, I've been even busier these last few days combing through all of those articles and email tidbits saved for consideration later. Now is later. I'm studying promotion ideas and techniques and industry news. Yesterday, my head was swimming.

Balance is needed. The challenge is to find time off to regenerate (take a little trip, read something purely for entertainment everyday, visit with friends) and slug through my tasks. I'm not good at parceling out the work, mixing the time in for pleasure.

My goal is to figure out what spot I've reached this time around, and my hope is that after studying and relaxing for a couple of months, the light will shine on where I'm headed.

Meanwhile, new voices are whispering in my head. Maybe I can't really get away from the creative part of this business.


  1. Brenda, I think I'm constantly in THAT SPOT. Voices in my head never stop, promo goes out the window, I become forgetful. And right now I'm asking myself, what next? Help!

  2. It's a wonderful feeling to finish a book. Congrats on your accomplishment, with the series to boot. (I'm half way through my own series right now, in fact.) But then comes the inevitable 'what if?' and 'what now?' questions. Enjoy your current 'spot in life'. You know where that is, and figure out the rest of it when you're ready.

  3. Congrats on getting your series finished! I'm working on the last book in my current series and am ahead of schedule, yet I'm still worried I need to have a plan for the next series or I'll get behind. I feel like I should take a break, but I can't seem to make myself do it. I wish you much luck rejuvenating!

  4. Enjoy your time of rejuvenation and completing odds and ends. I'm on the last chapter of a project after which I'm taking 2 days for myself. My walk-in closet looks like a refugee camp. Then I'm finishing a book I'd started a couple years ago which means beginning from page one to update everything. I hope it doesn't take long to get swept into that world again. Enjoy your moment in time, hon.

  5. I seem to be in "that spot" at least once a year. Sometimes it seems continuous! I also have piles of notes, clippings, and articles set aside for a "later" that never seems to come. I hope you're able to give yourself that much needed break, but I understand how hard it is to turn off all that whirling energy in your brain. Good luck and have fun!

  6. I don't think I'm ever in "that spot"--LOL! I feel like I kind of careen from one task to another, never feeling quite satisfied. But I keep trying!

    Congratulations on finishing the book. I hope you take as much time as you need to figure out your next step

  7. Understood, Andrea. Too bad no one but ourselves can help.

    Margo, kind of funny. I do pretty much know where I am. Maybe I just keep forgetting. LOL

    Yeah, Jannine, hate that getting behind feeling. But it's a constant.

    Don't get lost in your closet, Vonnie.

    Thanks, Alison!

    Thank you, Leah.

  8. Brenda, the good news is we get to follow our gut feelings. That's also the bad news, because we aren't used to such a way of 'planning.' Relish the ability to turn off the alarm clock (and 'shoulds') and let your heart lead the way. As I told a couple of my reunion friends...passion has to be there. Find it...go with it!

  9. Good news, bad news, Rolynn for sure. Passion can strike a path to follow.

  10. Congrats, Brenda! Take the time you need and rejuvenate and relax, if you can. Yes, those pesky voices just will not leave us alone! :)

  11. Congrats on finishing your series. Enjoy the rejuvenation process. Upon finishing a series, it feels almost like a death. The characters have gone on without us. Maybe we need to take time to grieve.

  12. It's funny you say that, Diane. I do miss them. So weird how they become real. I still have three rounds of edits but the missing has set in.

  13. Hi Brenda, Congrats on finishing your series. Take as much time as you need to relax and re-energize. And some time to say goodbye to those characters you've loved and nurtured.
