
Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Angels Among Us by Margo Hoornstra

Last time I wrote on these pages my topic was the Retreat From Harsh Reality sponsored by the Mid-Michigan Chapter of Romance Writers of America.

You all know the drill, a complete weekend devoted to our craft, or profession if one is so inclined. Three days to talk, listen, learn, try, work, share, brainstorm, implement, test, use, figure, discard, re-group. Even vent if need be.

This year was particularly special for me because I was the lucky recipient of the MMRWA Angel Award. To quote from the MMRWA website: The Mid-Michigan Romance Writers of America introduced the MMRWA Angel Award for Service in 2002. The award is presented once a year at our chapter’s retreat. It is awarded to one outstanding member who goes beyond the “call of duty” within the romance writing community and service to our chapter. 

In January and February, nominations may be made by members in good standing with RWA and MMRWA. In March, the current MMRWA Board will meet with all previous Angel Award recipients to review nominations. The group then votes to determine who will receive the Angel Award. 

The decision is kept a secret until retreat. The recipient is announced by the winner from the previous year and presented with a custom designed, beautifully crafted Angel pin and a framed award certificate. 

This is a picture of mine.

Receiving this award was a great honor. Especially because of one of my 'accomplishments' as noted in the presentation. And I quote: Our Angel this year is kind, strong and supportive. She encourages new writers and she listens--really listens--and has been a mentor to other writers.

High praise indeed, IMHO. Not that I thought I'd done anything particularly special. It's what we as writers do. We support our own. Novice or veteran, published or soon to be.

Don't get me wrong, awards and good reviews are great recognition for what we've written and offered to the world, and may there be many of those accolades for all of us in this business. However, I don't know about you, but the highest praise for me is hearing someone say such things as: "Your critique of my work was awesome." or "Your suggestions really helped me see where I need to go." and "Thank you for helping me improve my book."

****pause here for a heavy sigh****

Music to my ears.

Whether you work regularly with a partner (CP) as I've been fortunate to do. (Three, or is it four years and counting. Can you believe it, Jannine?) Or provide and/or receive input from a fellow author, doesn't matter. Again, IMHO, the feeling is the same.

So, in that spirit of author cooperation, do I have a deal for you. Let me be the first, on these pages at least, to introduce a box set I've been privileged to create with six of my colleagues.

All In For Love - A Lucky 7 Anthology.

Seven Award-winning authors bring you seven *sweet to sensual* romances filled with suspense, thrills and maybe even a ghost or two—for less than the price of a cup of coffee—99 cents!

Welcome to La Bonne Chance Resort & Casino!

With thousands of people passing through the casino’s doors on a daily basis, it’s no surprise that a variety of lives and loves are on the line there.

We are now available for pre-order right here: All In For Love - A Lucky 7 Anthology

Please join us and enjoy!

My days to blog here are the 11th and 23rd. For more about me and the stories I write, please visit my WEBSITE


  1. Congratulations, Margo! That's wonderful, and I'm sure it's well deserved on every level. :-) I preordered my copy of the anthology yesterday and can't wait to get it and start reading! Wishing you and all the authors much luck!

  2. It is truly an honor to be recognized by your peers. Congratulations. I'm sure that you've made a real difference in the lives of other writers. Along my journey I've met kind people like you. And I am eternally grateful.
    Thank you for your service to others. People like you make a difference.

  3. Congrats, Margo. The community of writers really depends on the knowledge and support that each person shares.

  4. So happy for you, Margo...well-deserved! Neat that you were surprised, too! These moments/honors are precious. Keep them in your mind during the tough times, for sure. What a neat group of seven writers in your anthology. Happy Sales to you all!

  5. Thanks so much, Leah. Told you authors support our own. You just proved that. Hope you like the anthology.

  6. Oh my goodness, Sandra. You're welcome. We do get what we give, don't we?

  7. Thank you, Brenda. I've learned and been encouraged by your journey as well. Nice to be a fellow TWRP author again.

  8. It was a special moment, Rolynn. One I will cherish. Thanks for the happy sales wishes too.

  9. What a lovely and meaningful award Margo--well done! And good luck with the anthology.

  10. Congratulations, Margo. What an honour to be chosen for your award. Recognition from our peers is a great accomplishment...enjoy every minute of it.

  11. Congratulations on your well-deserved honor, Margo. I hate keeping secrets from friends. So darn hard. As a member of the committee who confirmed your nomination, I was so excited for you. You've always embodied the characteristics of an "Angel" esp. considering you were one of the founding members of our chapter. Also exciting is your anthology. Best wishes for many sales.

  12. I'm so glad you were the recipient this year, Margo. Actually, I was surprised you weren't a past Angel! Congrats also on the anthology. I ordered my copy!

  13. Congratulations! Yes, isn't it a wonderful feeling to know you've helped another writer? That's one think I love so much about our community. A supportive group of like-minded people coming together to share and encourage, to celebrate and commiserate. Again, congrats, I know it was a well-deserved honor!

  14. You work hard for and are very supportive of your group, so well deserved! Congrats! Support from other writers is key to all our success in every aspect of this business. I certainly value your critiques. Am looking forward to hearing your thoughts on my latest effort.

  15. What a wonderful surprise! I have no doubt it was well-deserved and that everyone there got as much enjoyment out of seeing you get that beautiful angel pin as you did receiving it. I love it when my contemporaries are rewarded in some way for their work. Yay you! And I did the pinky click on Amazon to pre=order my set of the series.

  16. What a wonderful well-deserved surprise! Congratuations! Best of luck with All In For Love!

  17. Well deserved award and praise, Margo. Congratulations!

  18. So very pleased to see this award for you. Very much deserved. So terribly proud of you, my friend.

  19. Congratulations on winning the award, Ms Hoornstra. It tickles my fancy that the first five letters of your name start like mine because it's so unusual in the States.

  20. Thank you, Andi.The award was certainly meaningful to me. Appreciate the good wishes for the anthology as well.

    C.B. I certainly am enjoying it. Thank you.

    It seems I've entered good company with the Angel Award, Diane. Here's hoping the anthology does well as well.

  21. Thanks, Patty. The award was a nice surprise. You got a copy of the anthology, that's great! See, what I said about authors supporting our own.

    Thank you so much, Ally. It is nice to find out you've made a difference somewhere.

    Jannine. Always a pleasure to read your work. And, oh the power!! Just kidding. Thanks also for the kudos.

  22. Vonnie, I was truly touched by the award. And, squeeeee~ that you did the pinky thing. Again. It's all about support of colleagues.

    Thanks, Tena. It is all certainly good stuff!

    Jolana! And you my roommate didn't even hint at spilling the beans. Although I should have suspected something when you suggested I put on lipstick before going over to the ceremony. Nice call!

  23. Kathy - Once again, I'm choked up. Thank you, my friend.

  24. Thank you, Ed. Most people leave out either the second O or the first R. When I was introduced to my husband, my first thought was he certainly had a strange sounding name. Who knew?

  25. Welcome to the band of angels, Margo. You started your journey toward this honor way back in 1983. It took us long enough to recognized all you've done.
