
Sunday, April 23, 2017

A Retreat From Harsh Reality, Re-visited by Margo Hoornstra

As you read this, I’m fully immersed in all things writing related, and have been since early Friday. Later this afternoon, I’ll arrive home revitalized and inspired fresh off the Retreat From Harsh Reality week-end put on by my own Romance Writers of America® Chapter, Mid-Michigan.

A complete week-end devoted to our craft, or profession if one is so inclined. To talk, listen, learn, try, work, share, brainstorm, implement, test, use, figure, discard, re-group. Even vent if need be.

We all need a Retreat From Harsh Reality now and then. Thirty some years ago, Leila Davis, a fellow member in MMRWA uttered those very words to me. I happened to be President of the chapter at that time, as I am again this year.

A few months later, our chapter had one scheduled. Our first Retreat From Harsh Reality was a bring your own sheets, blankets and towels, pack your own food or call for pizza delivery affair held in one of the vacant for the summer dormitories at a nearby university.

Over the years, the get together evolved to become more formalized. A block of hotel rooms with all the amenities was rented, meals were provided on site. Speakers were brought in to make presentations all day Saturday and half the day Sunday. The time to simply immerse ourselves in all things writing such as working on our own manuscripts, brainstorming plots and events, critiquing ours and others’ works in progress, somehow went by the wayside.

We became so focused on filling the allotted time with activities at the event itself, we lost sight of its original purpose. Finally, a few years ago, we came to realize what had happened and, thankfully, took corrective measures.

We still have a speaker, but on a limited basis here and there for only a few hours total all week end. The rest of the time is devoted to writing. No talking please quiet rooms are available for personal writing time and nothing else. Other areas are set up for get togethers to share.

A complete week-end devoted to our craft, or profession if one is so inclined. To talk, listen, learn, try, work, share, brainstorm, implement, test, use, figure, discard, re-group. Even vent if need be.

So what about you? Any Retreats, Conferences, Get Togethers in your future? Maybe next year you can come to ours.

My days to blog here are the 11th and 23rd. For more about me and the stories I write, please visit my website


  1. Sounds terrific, Margo--I'd enjoy all that. The one conference I attend every year is Women Writing the West (considering I write western romance) and I enjoy touching base with other authors and learning in different spots throughout the west. We make friends with other authors over the internet--it's always great to meet in person!

  2. I'm of mixed feelings about Retreat this year. I miss the camaraderie, meeting friends who can only come to Retreat because they live too far away for the monthly meetings, the rejuvenation from the guest speaker, the inspiration. But, I'm so glad we came back to Arizona for Toddler Girl's 2nd birthday. We could have rushed back last week, but Hubs and I aren't rushing anywhere these days. We take it easy and enjoy the moment(s). I hope Retreat was great (as it is each year) and that you came home filled with inspiration, Margo.

    1. We did miss you, Diane. So glad you 're enjoying family though. Our speaker, Katie aka Katherine Ashe was fabulously inspiring, especially since she's one of our own. The best moments for me was being told by some my writing advice and critiques made a difference to them. Plus, squeee, I was honored with the Angel Award. (I wondered why Lana suggested I put on lipstick before going to the announcement ceremony. ;-)

  3. I've attended a few local conferences, some left me feeling like I'd benefited, others were a complete waste of time. I never seem to be around or make it to a strictly writing retreat. Would love to.

    Andrea...Women Writing the West? Do you know Heidi Thomas? I believe she goes every year. She's one of my local CP's.

  4. No retreats for me since we can't seem to pull one together in Carmel and not a lot of authors live in my area. I hope you had a great time despite my barrage of emails about edits!

    1. Jannine, we'll get there with the Carmel Retreat. We will, I know we will. Your e-mails kept me on my toes, not to mention humble! LOL! Thanks for the tips!

  5. I'm nervous as hell talking Brenda and JL into InD'Tale. It took me three InD'Tales to figure out how to make the event work for me, but because it's a small attendee conference, it feels personal now. Geesh, I hope Brenda and JL like it. The idea of writing on demand, timed and in a group (I'm a pantser), has never made sense to me. I want to hear from people who are good at the game of writing/promoting, to tell me what they learned. I grab the ideas, go home and apply. I'm an extrovert, but the one RWA National I went to was WAY BEYOND confounding...too big...too many people. Sigh. I have yet to find the perfect conference combination.

    1. As my husband always says, one day at a time, Rolynn. We each have our own special takeaways from these things. I'm going to National this year. Overwhelming, for sure, but worth it!

  6. Andi - It's always fun to attend a conference specific to our interests. Rosanne Bittner is a western romance writer who's local to our Retreat. Even though I write contemporary, I learn from her.

  7. That sounds wonderful, Margo! I've been on a small group retreat to a little B&B-type place in Virginia that's designed for writers' retreats. It's strictly writing, though. Sounds like your handful of hours devoted to workshops is a terrific blend! Hope you got lots and lots of writing done!

    1. Leah, That's how we started, Leah, writing only period! A great way to go.

  8. Your retreat sounds wonderful. My chapter, Charter Oak Romance Writers, does a similar format when we do one. It is lovely to just write.

  9. I lOVE this idea! Our group does a retreat every year. Last year was a huge success. We had a speaker and did some fun exercises, and we also took some down time for writing. Perhaps not enough. I'm responsible for planning ours for September and will definitely schedule more writing time. Thanks for sharing!
