
Thursday, March 9, 2017

Winner, Loser, Give It Up by Brenda Whiteside

I'm not big on entering contests. I particularly steer away from contests that require me to ask others to vote for me. In the publishing world there are contests for covers, first lines, unpublished works, published works, and probably others I haven't paid attention to. That said, I have entered a few, which is probably why I don't like entering them.

Before I wrote novels, I won a poetry contest and an essay contest. I was okay with them then not having had a bad experience. So, a few years later after I completed Sleeping with the Lights On, I entered it in two contests for unpublished books. It usually takes a few months to hear the results. In the meantime, I submitted the book to The Wild Rose Press for publication. A couple of months later, I got "the call"...actually the email. They wanted my book!

The next day, within hours of each other, I received two more emails. The first email was pretty bland, letting me know my book did not fare well in their contest. The scores were not even close to the top. The second email wasn't any book was a dismal disaster. What did I do? I laughed. I was contracted! I often wonder what I would've done had I not submitted the book and received the results of the contest first. Makes me shudder.

Over the last eight years, I have entered a handful of contests and have been disappointed most often. Southwest of Love and Murder was a runner up once in a small contest. A couple of years ago, I had an agent, and she warned me against entering chapter contests. She felt it was a waste of effort as they were not fairly judged since most of the judges were fellow authors and competitors. I don't like to think my peers would not be fair minded in their judging.

Apparently, last summer, I took the plunge to try one more contest with my then latest release. I say apparently because I'd forgotten all about it until I received an email two days ago. I'd entered A Legacy of Love and Murder for an EPIC Award (Electronic Publishing Industry Coalition). This is a prodigious contest. I was thrilled. Now for the kicker...

As of this morning, if you go to the site to see the list of finalists, A Legacy of Love and Murder is not there. I've emailed and am waiting a response. I won't be surprised if they emailed me in error. Such is my experience with contests.


  1. I'm with you on the value of a contest that's about votes. All that tells you is who has the most people on their street team/author group/etc. not which book is best. I can honestly say I've never entered a contest. I'm cheap, and they cost money. Also, reviews tell me if readers like my books. Maybe I should shoot for a big one, just to see what happens... Hoping you can get the EPIC situation straightened out!

  2. You're right on that, Jannine. Still waiting to hear.

  3. I hope you get your issues worked out. I've judged several of the chapter contests. And who am I? A nobody. Yeah, I majored in English, have written 20 or so books, and read voraciously all my life. But does that qualify me to say what is good and bad? I try to use my judging time to encourage the author. "I'm going to list some mistakes I see...mistakes all newbie writers make. Ones I've made and still do. Why point them out? Because an editor will ding you for these things." And I share what editors have taught me. But I'm heavy on the praise, because I know we all need that. I don't judge anymore. I'd rather write.

  4. I'm sure you judge fairly, Vonnie. To give feedback is so important. Many contests don't allow that.

  5. Whoa. That's the first time I've heard of something like that happening. I haven't entered a contest of any kind since I've been published, and now I'm even less motivated.

  6. Yeah, it's weird, Alison. They sent me a finalist certificate with my name and book too. Someone is going to be disappointed...either me or one of the three books under my genre on the site.

  7. Good luck getting to the real truth, Brenda. Congrats either way. I entered the first book TWRP eventually contracted and published in two contests once. Didn't fare well in one, was a finalist in the other. Go figure.

  8. All depends on which judge you draw, Margo. Still waiting to hear. I picture emails shooting back and forth on how to break it to whichever one of us they blew it on.

  9. First, congrats on the contest, whatever the outcome. Good for you for entering. Contests are a crapshoot. If a judge doesn't like humor, even Janet Evanovich wouldn't win. Like reviews, contests are subjective. Most judges try to be fair. Good luck!

  10. Thanks, Diane. Fingers still crossed.

  11. Oh, Brenda, I don't know what to say. We're like the blind women and the elephant...we have no idea what this animal is (promotion) because we seem to know only one portion of the mammal. Wait, we don't even have a hold of any part of the animal because we are too busy writing. Promo is the elephant in each of our rooms, and we have no idea where that sucker is.

  12. Oh, Brenda, NO!!! I hope they just left off your name and book. But what you say about contests is so true--it SO depends on the taste of the judge and so on. I'll never forget the first contest I entered, with Loveland. Two out of the three scores were exceedingly high and the third just panned completely. Live and learn...

  13. Well, that's a pickle! I hope the email was correct! There are a LOT of contests out there. I don't care for the ones that turn into popularity contests (vote for me, vote for me). There are some that can help. For example, a friend either won or finaled in the Golden Heart which got her notice by Amazon's (then) brand-new Montlake Romance line. She contracted with them and has been phenomenally successful. She's also immensely talented. :-)

  14. Andrea and Leah, all is well. They did leave me off accidentally. I received an email and apology and I am now on the web site. I feel a bit better.

  15. I recently had an interesting experience. Our chapter had a panel upon the opening of your wip.
    I added mine. I got five downers. It didn't start in an exciting place (On a ship in mid-atlantic as her husband is buried at sea), she shouldn't have knowledge of herbs since thats been overused, The description was too pretty, they pretty much overlapped. Even with 8 books published I felt crushed. then I gave it some thought. My editor likes it, I am happy with it. Other opinions don't count unless they are helpful.

  16. You're right, Barbara. If I had gotten those contest results back on my first book, when I was such a newbie, I would've been crushed. Luckily we learn to get tough skinned and realize opinions don't necessarily mean much. Yep, editors and publishers are what count.

  17. I enjoy entering contests. It's just another way of being validated, I guess. But, the ones where you get people to vote aren't as meaningful, to me. Congrats...hope they get it straight!
