
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

March Rocks! By Mackenzie Crowne

From little candy hearts and hand-made valentines to fat flakes shimmering beyond the window on a snowy Christmas eve, if you’re like me, every month in the year holds special memories. Waving flags, parades and potato salad, jack-o-lanterns and pillowcases full of candy, each flip of the calendar page returns me to my childhood. June delivers a thrilling sense of freedom, a throw-back to that wonderful last day of school every year. September rolls in on a bittersweet wave of magnificent fall colors and chilly winds hinting at the winter to come.

But, this is March, you say, a quiet, unassuming month lacking any major points of note. Wrong, or as they say in the Irish, Micheart! March rocks! Here in Phoenix, where I hang my hat, March means wildflowers - like the beauties decorating the hills of my mountain escape - hot air balloons and the annual Renaissance Fair. For a chick who detests the cold, a month shooing off the dog days of winter to usher in the early signs of spring is a big deal.

March also means St. Patrick’s Day. For a chick from a large, loving, LOUD Irish clan, a month celebrating the streak of green running through the soul of mankind is magical. And for an Irish chick who writes romance, March inspires tales of enduring love amongst the vibrant hills of Ireland, stories seeped in things old and mystical. But more on that later.

I admit, blarney comes naturally to me, so, count yourself lucky I’m curbing my Irish gift of gab to wish you a happy spring and a very happy St. Patrick’s Day with my favorite Irish salute…

May those who love you, love you,
and those who don’t love you,
may God turn their hearts,
and if he doesn’t turn their hearts,
may he turn their ankles…
so you’ll know them by their limping.

When Mac isn’t enjoying the wildflowers decorating her mountain escape, she spends her time weaving HEAs for her characters, like Sam and V, the hero and heroine of To Win Her Back, the latest in her Players series from KensingtonBooks


  1. Love the "blessing," Mac. Too funny! I was getting all teary-eyed for a minute there. :-) Beautiful flowers! And now you're making me remember those days when I actually got the summers off. Well, I VAGUELY remember. :-)

  2. I often have to ask myself, "What month is this?" Not because I'm old and forget, but because I'm old and don't think about it. It's called "red-headed logic." Great post and I chuckled at the blessing. Good luck with your book sales!

  3. Ha, no flowers here. Just huge piles of snow! I may see flowers in June... Enjoy them for me, Mac!

  4. Now that I live in the temperate climate of the Central Coast, I mark the changing seasons by what's happening to my fruit trees outside my 'writing window.' Today, a plethora of orange blossoms, side by side with green fruit as big as baseballs; apricots the size of olive pits; blossoms only on my baby grapefruit tree. Nature always has a way of marking time for me. Thanks for the blessing...lots of limpers out there these days :-)

  5. Mac, I keep forgetting you live in Phoenix. I'm just back from a week in Wickenburg. I'm not a Southern AZ desert lover, but when we've had this much rain, wow, what a desert. Send me a private email and I'll tell you about a Wickenburg thing in a couple of weeks.

  6. Can't wait to see the desert in bloom. We head back to AZ next week for Toddler Girl's 2nd birthday. I know, we were just there in Feb. Only taxes drew us back to MI this month. We had more snow here than in Feb. Figures we'd be gone during the mildest month this winter. I'm writing about Spring here tomorrow. Enjoy those flowers!

  7. Ha, cute! :D I love March because my daughter was born this month!! (31 years ago...)

  8. I'm chuckling over the blessing. Nice one, Mac! And Vonnie, I'm betting you could write an entire blog filled with Vonnie's Redhead Logic.
