
Sunday, March 26, 2017

Ice, ice baby

It's the Good News, Bad News thing: The Good News: it's not that bad. The Bad News: it still hurts.

I'm an avid walker, and I always get in my 70K a week. For about a month, I've been plagued by a painful right foot. Just one spot on the foot. I thought, "Yikes. Bunyon? Bone spur?"

Went to the podiatrist and he x-rayed it (rather a nifty machine, I must say). The Good News: "You have marvelous bones. All straight and good, no problem."

The Bad News: no problem. Probably a ligament inflammation. Maybe muscle strain. Options? Quit walking (not an option, really). Or ice. I always have an ice pack in the freezer, so no biggie. I now prop up the hoof every night, plop the ice pack on it, and so far, it's working okay. The pain is diminishing except for those moments when it's excruciating. Which are few and far between. And luckily, we're leaving the winter months, so I don't really mind a pile of ice sitting on my foot (or so I keep reminding myself).

Another good part of this: it immobilizes me. Anyone who knows me knows that I seldom sit for long periods of time (unless forced to do so by circumstance). I am always getting up, moving around, pacing, moving. But with an ice bag on one foot, a cat draped over the other one, a pile of sewing on my lap, and a glass of wine close at hand: I am immobile and often remain so for long periods. Which is all helping the healing.

And it's helping my manuscript. I keep a notepad at hand and jot ideas as I sit, often sketching out an entire chapter in one sitting.

Maybe there's something to this "sit and be still" stuff I hear about...



  1. That sure is a good/bad news situation. But you're making good use of your time so that's good. Here's hoping you feel better soon.

  2. At least holding you down isn't really holding you down. Others might take the time to stare at the TV. You still multi-task!

  3. Wow, JL...70K a week? I'm impressed. I exercise faithfully to my Jessica Smith 30-minute workouts every day (a mix of strength training and cardio), and I do quite a bit of walking at my job on certain days when we have a lot going on, but that's dedication! Glad there's a silver lining to your icing! :-)

  4. So, turns out you CAN keep a good woman down...and the results are positive. Love your attitude, JL, and the visual of you with cats, ice, knitting, notebook,'re foot might hurt, but your brain is still on fire! Happy healing.

  5. At least you're getting something done! I did something to my arm shoveling, but since it doesn't stop me from snowshoeing or typing, I'm ignoring it. Maybe I should try your cure-all, ice. Best of luck with recovery!

  6. Heal quickly, JL. Being in pain is no fun. And, yes, there is something to be said for sitting still and just being while your mind takes over and does what it wants to do: Create.

  7. Hate it when being laid up and in pain interferes with walking. Glad your situation at least enhanced your writing. Way to find the good in the bad. You go, JL.

  8. Oh no, so sorry!! Hope you heal quickly.
