
Thursday, February 9, 2017


Two things are on my mind today: 1) I need a new author promo photo 2) the last book in my Love and Murder series is forming on the page with some difficulty.

FDW is going to try to capture the real me with his camera today. I say try, because what I see as me in the mirror and what the camera translates that into, never match. The studio shot I use right now is more than a few years old. I don’t think I look much different, but the camera always does. I lay the blame on FDW. His first degree was in photography so he should be able to work magic just pushing the button. Right? We tried a shoot, outside, a couple of days ago, and out of at least one hundred shots, one is a possibility. I can’t keep my eyes open in the light of day, so I'm all squinchy-eyed in all of them. Today, we’ll try some inside poses. I really hate this. But I feel quite dishonest using a photo that is so outdated. Wish me luck.

The Deep Well of Love and Murder, book five and the last of the Love and Murder Series, is now approaching chapter six. My doubts are starting earlier than usual. I normally have a bout of insecurity later in the process. I wonder if the plot is thick enough, are the characters deep enough, is the villain one the reader loves to hate, and so on. Maybe because it’s the last book, I’m having an end of series let down. Yesterday, a reader told me that The Power of Love and Murder made her cry. That made me perfectly happy. To my knowledge, I’ve never made anyone cry with my storytelling. What a compliment! And the bar is now higher for book five!!

All the Love and Murder books can be found on my Amazon page:



  1. Do I ever know what you mean about a picture. Cameras lie so very much, don't they? My former, from over ten years ago, head shot pops up now and then. Yikes! Best of luck with your upcoming photo shoot. As far as this little bout of insecurity you're having - we ALL know you can do it!!

  2. So here's my thinking Brenda. A professional photo session would include a pro hairdo and make-up, expensive lighting, etc. Afterwards, air-brushing and other techniques would further enhance the photo. So heck, why not keep using your 'younger' pic...same effect. I think the two pictures I use are six years old. You're lucky to have a photographer husband...I'd have to dig deep in my pockets to pay for another professional session. And worry not about the confidence dip. My theory is, the more we know about writing, the harder we are on ourselves.

  3. I had the same problem, Brenda. Old photo I liked then amateur updates where I looked horrible. When my pub told me I needed an inside back cover photo for my print series, I freaked out...and caved in to spending money on a professional shot. I did my own hair and makeup but did get a little air brushing, and it cost me $95 for one digital photo. Now the goal is to keep looking like that for a few years... LOL Don't stress over your book. It'll be great!

  4. And as to the doubts and insecurities as you head through chapter six -- I'm glad I'm not the only one!

  5. Back in 2012 at a conference I was attending they had a pro photographer doing photos for a very reasonable $50, if I recall. That's the best dang photo of me ever and while I scare the living daylights out of myself when I look in the mirror and don't recognize the person staring back, I find it difficult to let go of that shot. Great job on the book, btw, if you can get that kind of an emotional reaction--love when that happens.

  6. I had new author photos done a little over a year ago, and I already think I need new ones. My looks haven't changed at all, but why do I always have to be so squinty-eyed? LOL My old eyes are more sensitive to light, and my cheeks seem to be creeping upward while my eyelids sink. How unfair!

    Good luck with your new book. I know you'll work your way past any current doubts.

  7. Ha. That's a thought, Rolynn. He does have photo shop so he make some improvements. I insist he leaves a few of the wrinkles. I figure at my age, if I get as much mileage out of this photo, I'm not doing another. In fact, I'll have him save the originals and use a different one ten years from now and leave a few more of the wrinkles.

  8. And it looks good, Jannine. Out on the lake today, I read a Nora Roberts book. It's been crap until the love scene. I really do like Nora, but after this one...yes, my book is going to be just fine.

  9. I know, Andrea, it's hard to let go no matter what we pay for yesterday.

  10. Alison, the shots we did eyes are closed on all of them. I FEEL like my eyes are open, but they are definitely squinchy. FDW likes one of me laughing with my eyes closed. Might use it. We'll see.

  11. I'm with you, Brenda!! I need a new one myself and the thought of all the details -- what to wear, what kind of hair day will I have, etc., -- keeps pushing the chore to the back of my mind. I wonder if any readers would ever guess the effort that goes into those photos!!

  12. My grand-daughter who takes wedding pictures, did a photo for me. I like it even though she made it look relaxed and casual.

  13. I doubt they would, Leah.

    I went for relaxed and casual this time, Barbara. Here's hoping because I am anything but that with a camera pointed at me.

  14. I like the pro photo of me taken way too many years ago. We write fantasy, don't we? I, too, look in the mirror these days and wonder who that old woman is. She looks like *gasp* my grandmother.

    I'm sure your book will be fine. I've had doubts about the one I'm still writing. Just tell yourself this too shall pass. And it will be great!

  15. I will about the book, Diane. Too bad it isn't true of our wrinkles. LOL

  16. I think your newer pictures (seen on Facebook) don't look that much different than your 'older' one (seen here). You haven't aged! That's my story and I'm sticking to it 8)

    I'm chugging away on the next book in my series, too. I think I have the central arcs figured out; now I'm at the "let the characters into my life" stage. These characters are always with me as background noise, but now I need to let them take over. That's always a struggle for me. Once I let it happen, the book will take flight.

    1. Thank you, JL. As for my book, I let the characters jump on the page before I was ready. Now the tough job of locking them in separate rooms to get a few things in order before releasing them again. I've learned a lesson.

  17. I am SO with you on the author photo. Mine is WAY outdated, and a friend recently tried a few rush shots that did not work out well at all. She's a good photographer, but I had no idea we were going to do the photos and I was tired, bedraggled, and the camera does NOT love me. :) I look forward to seeing your new pic(s). GREAT trailer. Sounds like a winner!
