
Sunday, February 26, 2017

The cure for what ails you

I've been in the middle of a laptop meltdown at my Paycheck Job. It normally wouldn't be a biggie, but I'm 250 miles from tech support, so it resulted in a new laptop overnighted to me, which meant all new setup. And the publishing tools I use don't work on the operating system, so I had to find a workaround, so ...

A day later, and all was restored, but what a PITA it was! Big deadlines and a flakey laptop. 

Then there's a big volunteer event coming up at which I am scheduled to speak. It's an all-day thing, so I needed to carve out some time to prep for that. Doable, but time-consuming.

All of this is preface to saying that when I finally did get a chance to sit down and actually work on my manuscript, it was tough to get back into the storyline. Where did I leave those characters and why were they so upset? I read the previous few chapters, took a deep breath, and ...

I was there, in the room with them, knowing what they wanted to say. It was like opening a door and walking back into a house where I'm not 100% sure what will happen, but I know the people and trust it will be interesting.

Yep. Writing. It's the cure for what ails me!



  1. New computer set-up is for sure a PITA! Glad you managed to wade through the quagmire and get back to doing what you love best. :-)

  2. Way to center yourself after tech malfunctions, JL. I often think of my characters as perturbed when I don't get back to them promptly. Like conflicting family members who need a referee or an nice to be in charge of fictional folks. Write on!

  3. problems suck! Glad you were able to dive back into your novel.

  4. I love that zen state when you're lost in the world of your characters.

  5. Yes, there's nothing like escaping into the world of your book. Everything else fads away...well, except the need for coffee and chocolate, perhaps.

  6. I absolutely HATE it when my either my computer or my internet is down--total panic stations. I feel for you completely but those characters were probably just hiding in the chaos and are back now. I hope.

  7. Glad things worked out for you. What did we do before computers? Love that feeling when I'm in the zone.
