
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

I'm late by Barbara Edwards

I know I’m late. Not only am I late, I accidentally posted this on another blog. Thanks Pam for the correction. This time I did forget but for a good reason. it’s been a busy month.
Sunset on St George Island
Not only have I been writing, I’ve been at St. George Island State Park, Florida. We are volunteers here.
It’s been an interesting month. On January 13th we helped with a sea turtle release.  A loggerhead turtle and 26 Kemps Ridley turtles. A fun time and I’m writing in more detail on my
Blue Heron nesting
We also have been involved in controlled burning. This method of preventing serious forest fires  Is being used more
Ranger starting controlled burn
and more across the nation. I have more photos scheduled for my blog, too.

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  1. Thanks for all you do to help animals and the environment, Barb! Love your pics!

  2. We have lots of controlled burns in the forests around Tahoe to try to prevent really destructive fires. Nice photos!

  3. Saint George's Island sounds like a lovely place. You must enjoy doing your part to help the environment.

  4. Beautiful pictures. What a great way to spend your time. Thanks on behalf of the environment.

  5. Lovely pictures. Your work as a volunteer is so appreciated, even though I've never been to St. George's Island. A wonderful way to protect the environment.

  6. Love reading this. I am so keen on the NPs having now visited about 20 of them. Keep up the good work!

  7. Ditto to what everyone said, Barbara. Great photos. I love the one of the blue herons nesting.

  8. Thanks for all your comments. My connection was out for an entire day until I figured out how to get back on the net. I love it here and have hundreds of pictures.

  9. Wow, look at you being all busy and environmentally conscious. Way to go!! I enjoyed the pics. Thanks for sharing.
