
Monday, January 9, 2017

BACK TO THE SCHEDULE by Brenda Whiteside

The holidays really play havoc with my writing schedule. As much as I’d love being a spur of the moment, do what I want on the fly kind of person, being an author doesn’t allow me the luxury. Books don’t write themselves. But I do allow for a much more erratic lifestyle during the holidays. Now, it’s time to get the schedule back on schedule. And it should look something like this: 

The sun is my alarm clock, although I’m often awake before the first rays of light stream through my window. Before my foot hits the ground, I do a stretch routine. I’ve had a bad back since in my thirties. I then rise, sluff on
socks and robe and quietly make my way to the kitchen. Quietly because my husband is a night owl and sleeps in two to three hours later than I do. I make a cup of half caffeine, half decaf coffee, with flavored creamer and head back to my bedroom. Oh yes, gasp, my husband and I have our own rooms. We learned long ago that with our different sleep schedules, it’s far better for actually getting sleep to have separate rooms. Having separate rooms can be pretty spicy at times, but I won’t go there for this post. 

I prop up my pillows and fire up my laptop. For the next two to three hours, and with the aid of two more cups of coffee, I check email then work on my current manuscript. By the time hubby roles out of bed, I’m ready for breakfast. He’s the breakfast cook, and if he doesn’t go fishing, he makes our breakfasts. Over breakfast, he checks the news and keeps me informed, while I go back to email. 

After breakfast, we take a forty-minute walk through the desert. Back home, I’ll wash the dishes, take a shower, then grab the laptop again. I’ll work on promo or get back to work on my book.

We’re on our own for lunch. (You might’ve guessed he’s retired) After lunch, I’ll write a little more. 

Midafternoon, the alarm on my phone sounds telling me to get up off my butt and do a half hour of weight training, which consists of a squat routine and light free weights. I’ll get back to the book or more promo, but I usually quit around 3:00. 

Is this my absolute schedule every day? Nope. I can usually count on the up-until-breakfast part. But I have a grandchild and a mother, errands, appointments, and so on. Days get disrupted often and that’s okay. As long as I can write a little every day, life is good!

Please check out all of my books:
Amazon Author Page


  1. I envy your carving out time for exercise. This is something I really need to do. I mean, like, REALLY.

  2. I want to be you when I grow up, Brenda! This schedule sounds like heaven!

  3. Sounds like a great routine, Brenda. My time isn't quite so structured. Right now (with no power) it's nonexistent. I might have to resort to pen and paper...

  4. It does sound like heaven!!! I force myself to exercise when I first get up because if I don't do it then, I never will. I have scheduled an hour of writing time (NOT including promo) every day before heading into the "paycheck job." Once I'm there, writer me is done until the next day. I actually followed the schedule today and felt so accomplished! Thanks for sharing your plan.

  5. Impressive! Oh to be so organized. No wonder you're so productive. I'm inspired.

  6. Thanks, y'all. It does fall apart now and then. Like yesterday and today were for Mom and a crit meeting. Tomorrow I have my granddaughter. But next week will be back to normal. It's good to have a plan even if it has to fall apart now and then. At least I know where to pick it up again.

  7. Sounds familiar, Brenda. I have about three hours to myself before my husband joins me in the office. Love those precious quiet hours with coffee at my side. I agree, it helps to write something every day...feels fulfilling/complete doesn't it? Keep at it, girl!

  8. It's good to have a routine, as much as possible. I decided long ago (when Hubs was off work, long before retirement) that breakfast and lunch were on our own. We get up at different times, hungry at different times. He's respectful of my writing. I know he still doesn't get how distracting an interruption is, but he's trying. Mornings are my best time to write. When he's awake and watching the news, I read email and catch up on blogs (like I am today). Good luck getting back on schedule.

  9. I'm late, of course. I love your schedule, and I SO need to adopt one myself. I'll have to work around the full-time day job, but I can still get into a routine that would help me accomplish more. And, yes, I for sure need to add exercise to mine. Thanks for the reminder/incentive to work out a schedule. :)
