
Monday, November 28, 2016

Writing Holidays by Erin Bevan

Let's welcome Erin Bevan to The Roses of Prose.
Two years ago this Christmas I read a Christmas book. We tend to do that around Christmas time, don’t we? 

I can’t remember the title, or the author sadly, but I do remember it was a book about a girl who was related to Santa. And really, I can’t remember much else about the book. I remember I liked it, so props to the unmentioned author, but reading this book got my wheels to spinning. 

What if I wrote my own Christmas book? What would it be about? And of course, in related to all things Christmas I thought about Santa, elves, toys, Santa’s workshop, and then I thought what if the unthinkable happened? The workshop goes up in flames…close to Christmas. How would the elves deal? How would this effect my own heroine or hero, and slowly but surely, the story was born. I thought of some of my favorite recent stories, Twilight, The Selection, and a favorite Christmas movie, The Santa Claus. I jumbled ideas from all and came up with my own plot twists, and what I hope you think of as a little bit of humor. Because after all, who wants to read a book when they don’t get a good chuckle or two? 

Now, I have a Valentine’s short story, and a Christmas novel. What’s next? St. Patrick’s day maybe. I can just see a good-looking man with an Irish brogue behind a bar. In fact, I’ve even gone so far as to write a scene with him… perhaps he will be one of my next projects. 

Merry Christmas everyone! 


Princess Jenny Claus has thirty suitors to choose from to take on the role of Santa and her husband, and only three weeks to do it. When an outsider crashes into and destroys the toy factory, her Gala and the prospect of Christmas for children everywhere are ruined. 

Logan Moss awakens from his plane crash, suffering from partial amnesia. Surrounded by a world he always considered make believe, he has a hard time accepting his new surroundings. Except for one snow princess who he’s deeply fascinated with. And when Logan realizes she only has three weeks to pick a husband, he begins to feel compelled to be that man. Problem is, he can’t remember if he has a wife.  

With Christmas getting closer, Jenny has to make the hardest decision of her life...duty or love. 

The Wild Rose Press: 

Barnes and Noble:  

My links:

Twitter: @ErinBevan 


Erin Bevan was born and raised in Southwest Arkansas. She spent her teenage years working for her aunt at the local gas station, flipping burgers and making milkshakes, dreaming of the day when something better would come her way. 

Fast forward ten years later, she found herself stuck inside an apartment in South Korea, while her daughter went to preschool and her husband went to work. Alone and unable to speak the local language, she turned to books for a friend. After reading several in such a short time, she decided to try her hand at writing one. 

That first one sucked, but by the fifth and sixth book, Erin started to get the hang of this writing thing. Getting the first contract in her inbox was a dream come true. Now, with three babies at home, she squeezes in stories one word at a time, one sentence at a time, one day at a time.  She’s a full time mom, a full time wife, with a little writer sprinkled in whenever she can get the chance.


  1. Welcome, Erin. And congratulations on the new book. It is great when those old wheels begin to turn, isn't it? Love your storyline. Best of luck with this current release and the others you will write 'one word at a time'.

    1. Thank you, Margo! Such sweet things to say.

  2. Hi, Erin, and welcome! What a fun and clever story idea! I'm thinking back on those days when I was home with my young children...kind of wishing to be back there, and kind of glad I'm past it! :-) Wishing you much success with the new book!

  3. Glad you're here, Erin. I'm so proud of your early start with writing in between changing diapers and all the rest. I keep telling all young writers to do exactly what you're doing...don't wait to start writing! (I waited until after my career as an educator...looking back, I missed a big opportunity!) Anyway your Christmas story sounds like such fun. Happy sales to you! (P.S. I was an Army Brat living in Seoul, Korea for three years back in the 60's during the Sigman Rhea revolution. Conditions were so serious politically (and the city so poor) that we rarely left the post. I know you experienced a modern Seoul...someday I should go see it in all its glory!)

    1. Rolynn, yes you should. It has changed a lot since then. You would be amazed.

  4. What a cute concept for a book! Sounds perfect for a holiday read. Best of luck with sales, Erin.

  5. Love the concept of your story, Erin. Welcome and best wishes.

  6. That's the way writer's mind works. I'd never written a ghost story or had any interest in paranormal, but when someone asked me to be in an historical western ghost book for Hallowee'n, my mind went just like yours--full of 'what ifs'. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Andrea. I need to stretch my mind some more. Maybe first person next time?

  7. Welcome! Sorry I'm late. I enjoyed your post. What a cute idea. Looks like a great read. Wishing you the best!
