
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

What A Difference A Week Makes by Margo Hoornstra

What a difference a week makes.

Last Monday, a routine medical test resulted in surgery scheduled for me in January. Not an emergency, not life threatening. Not that I'm exactly looking forward to it...but... Awaiting the test results was the worst. Thankfully, everything came back normal.

Now I'm looking forward to putting this behind me a moving on...


This Monday I received an e-mail from The Wild Rose Press with three contracts attached. About a month ago they contracted On the Surface, first in a planned four book romantic suspense series Brothers in Blue. Four heroes who met at the police academy to become life long friends. The drop out, the straight arrow, the movie star and the maverick. They all share a passion to serve and protect, each in their own unique way.

Now I can look forward to producing On the Force, On the Make, and On the Move.

What a difference a week makes.

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!

My days to blog here are the 11th and 23rd. For more about me and my stories, please visit my WEBSITE


  1. Wow - congrats on your contracts! Sounds like an awesome series! And very happy that everything came back good with your test results. Much to be thankful for this week :)

  2. Wow! Sounds like a bit of a rollercoaster. Glad everything is OK. Fabulous news about the contracts - congratulations 😊

  3. Congratulations, Margo. Well deserved.

  4. So glad your medical thing isn't a major problem, and wishing you well for your January procedure. What wonderful news to lift your spirits, a four-book contract. Fantastic and well done! Anni xx

  5. Wowee Kazowee!!!
    This is great news!
    Many many congratulations, Margo.
    You've worked so long and so hard. I'm so happy for you!
    Kathy Cottrell

  6. Congratulations, Margo. The idea for the series sounds great. Love the titles. Also, I'm so glad the results of your test came back normal. I'm sure you're not looking forward to surgery, but think positive and get well have some books to write.

  7. Congratulations, Margo, on normal test results and the terrific series contract. Positive thoughts coming your way.

  8. Congratulations, Margo, on normal test results and the terrific series contract. Positive thoughts coming your way.

  9. Wow! How wonderful!
    Good luck and God's blessings

  10. Congratulations, Margo. Wonderful news all around. Now get to work. :-)

  11. Maureen, There is a lot to be thankful for. And thank you for stopping by to comment.

    Nicole, It certainly was a wild ride. Thanks for the congrats.

    Thank you, Connie. This/these have been a long time coming.

    Anni, The contracts were exactly what the doctor ordered you could say.

  12. Thanks so much, Kathy. I owe you so much for giving me my start. Take care.

  13. Exactly, Maris. Looking to the future. Always to the future.

  14. Got those thoughts, Loralee. Keep 'em coming. Your congrats accepted on both. Thank you.

  15. Thanks, Pam. I'll accept the blessings too.

  16. Exactly, Leah. I'm looking forward to it.

  17. Good news all around, Margo. Nothing more healing than good news! My imagination zeroed in the how the movie star served and protected. Interesting! So happy for you, Margo!

  18. Happy to hear both your health news and your book news! You've got plenty to be thankful for this Thsnksgiving. Have a wonderful holiday

  19. It is, Brenda. Talk about incentive to lose weight though. (The surgery not the contracts ;-)

  20. I'm keeping a positive attitude, Rolynn, all the way around, too. Hope you like what/how the movie star does his job.

  21. Thanks, Andi. You have a great holiday too.

  22. I'm so happy this series has a good home. Now you can focus on simply writing...and not stress over the surgery! Huge congrats on this great news!

  23. Wow!!! Awesome news personally and professionally. Yay you!! I'm so glad the tests came back with good news. What a giant relief. You have a lot to be thankful for this year.

  24. So happy for your test results and contracts!

  25. Jannine, I'm surprisingly calm about the surgery. Odd for me. I'm happy the series is finally home. As I've said before, a long time coming.

  26. Absolutely, Vonnie. I am very, very thankful for everything.

    Thanks, Marissa. I'm happy too.

  27. Great news on both fronts, Margo! Happy Thanksgiving to you.

  28. Margo, that is so wonderful. 3 contracts! Wow! Waiting is, indeed, the worst, esp. for medical test results. Praying all goes well.

  29. Thanks, Diane. I'm pretty excited about the books. As you know, a long time coming. I feel pretty positive about the health part. Do like my surgeon. My mother always said the worst is the waiting, the rest is easier.

  30. Wnderful news.Ilook forward to reading them!

  31. Thanks, Barb. Appreciate your interest.

  32. So glad the tests came back good and congrats on the new contracts! I'm looking forward to reading this series.

  33. Margo...I'm almost as excited as you are!! So happy I get to work with you on future books. (And, yes, I owe you edits RIGHT NOW. Should have them to you this weekend). Glad your test results were fairly positive. Hope your Thanksgiving was awesome!

  34. Thanks, Lucy. I do feel very positive about all of it.

  35. Ditto, Alicia. Looking forward to those edits. As well as our future together. ;-) our Thanksgiving was pretty nice. Thank you.
