
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A Shiver from the Silver State by Mariposa Cruz

I usually post today, but in my absence we have a guest, Mariposa Cruz. Her story gives a shiver and her excerpt is pure fun. Thanks for stepping in for me Mariposa!

I work near the McCarran loop which winds through the cities of Sparks and Reno, Nevada.  It circles through business districts and around tree-lined neighborhoods the average speed limit is 50mph. In the section near Rattlesnake Mountain around 9:00PM several motorists reported seeing, a young girl sprint across the busy road, her white nightgown flapping in the evening breeze.
The public was outraged. What sort of parents would allow their daughter to wander near such a dangerous road in the dark of night? The authorities searched the neighborhood, but found no trace of the wayward little girl.  The site where she was seen was near a quiet meadow where the Donner Party camped before they made their fateful journey through the mountains.
Reno is best known for its casinos, summer events and winter skiing. Step away from the glittering lights and the ring of the slot machines and you may hear the whispers of regret in the desert.
One of the things I love about Reno is its colorful past and ghost stories. What ghosts haunt your neighborhood?
Blurb for Ladies Man:
Clark Stevens has always had a way with women, but his teenage daughter despises him.  When his daughter comes to live with him fulltime, he enlists co-worker, Julie Wahl, to coach him on parenting skills.
As a single mom and paralegal, Julie, has successfully balanced family, work and swing dancing. After heartbreak on the dance floor, the last thing Julie needs is an office romance.  But she can hardly say no to a colleague in need, especially one with dark brown eyes and a killer grin.
“This one’s great. C’mon.” Julie grabbed his hand. Before he could object, she had led him to the center of the dance floor. Julie introduced him to Moira and her boyfriend, Denton. The willowy redhead in the front line hugged her, and all the other dancers greeted her warmly.
“I don’t know how,” Clark protested. He vaguely remembered stumbling through the Electric Slide at his cousin’s wedding. A significant amount of beer had been involved. How did he wind up in the middle of the dance floor with the most popular girl?
“Watch me,” Julie told him. Okay, he could manage that. He’d be happy to spend the entire night watching her in her snug, faded jeans if it didn’t mean embarrassing them both on the dance floor.


  1. Shivers is right. Thanks for a thought provoking post this morning. I so needed that. You're right, who really knows? Welcome to the Roses of Prose and thanks for bringing along the entertaining excerpt. Best of luck with Ladies Man.

  2. Hi Margo, one of the things I love about ghost stories is their sense of history. /I'm thrilled to be visiting. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Welcome to the Roses of Prose. What an excerpt to wake up to. Think I'll go back to bed. Odd, I can write about scary or violent stuff, but don't like to read it, myself. I loved your excerpt. Well done.

    1. Vonnie, I love writing about dancing and I've had fun with this series. Thanks for commenting.

  4. Welcome to our blog! We should really connect again. It's been way too long. Funny, I'd never heard that Reno ghost story. Very, very cool. Best of luck with sales on your latest!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Janinne, it's a pleasure to be a guest and always good to "see" you!

  7. OH wow, spooky! I was always fascinated with the Donner party story. Your book sounds great!

  8. Alicia, what's really eerie is that the location is minutes away from my office. Just proves ghosts can be found anywhere.

  9. So sorry to be late! (Unfortunately that's the norm for me!) Loved the bit of history on the Donner party...and the spooky vibes. What an awful episode (for lack of a better word) that was. I wouldn't be surprised if their spirits roamed the area. (Shivering!!) Love the excerpt too! Wishing you much success with the book!
