
Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Let's welcome Maureen L. Bonatch to the Roses!

Some days I just think about giving up on my writing dream. Now, don’t get me wrong, I could never stop writing. That’s just crazy talk. Most writers know that once stories are in your blood, you have to purge them or else risk going a little crazy. 

I’m talking about everything else that comes along with striving for that dream. You know, everything most authors don’t realize until they’ve already drank the Kool-Aid. Things like the giant promotion machine that you must transform into if you don’t want your book to fissile into oblivion except for a few devoted friends and family. Then the developing side effects of either having your laptop grow into a cyber-extension of yourself or risk drowning in emails.  

But I have another reason why I just can’t stop pursuing my dream no matter how tired I get of treading water. Two reasons, actually—my twin daughters. They both have always enjoyed writing stories, and one appears to have been bitten by the writing bug already. In the last year I’ve seen her devotion to the prose growing. You see, she has a dream of being an author. Sound familiar?  

Except when I was growing up all I heard was, “Get a job that pays the bills,” and “Writing isn’t a real job.” So I did just that. Until I returned to my true passion a handful of years ago. But what if I someone had shown me that writing could be a career? That this passion is worthy of the blood, sweat and tears devoted to it? Someone who understood the joy of getting the words on the page?

 In a craft that one continues to nurture over a lifetime I can only imagine that my writing would be even better if I’d started to hone it at the young age of fifteen. I hadn’t realized by pushing myself to follow my passion and dreams that I was acting as a role model.  

Psst…don’t tell my daughter, but I’ve snagged a snippet of the start of one of Yasmine’s stories to share. Hey, I’m a Mom—I have to brag a little.  


“So, there’s no way to lift this curse?” I ask, I wasn’t exactly keen on collecting souls or whatever I was supposed to do for the rest of my life.

The dark haired boy gives me a look of pity, and I know that there is no cure for the curse. This is my worst nightmare. All I wanted was a simple quiet life where I could just float through invisibly without attracting any attention, but now apparently I have to return to my job of reaping souls. Why is it fair that I have to continue the work of my past self?


It brings me such joy to see my daughter writing her own stories, and more so because I think even without my “mom-googles” she’s pretty good. So I won’t give up. In fact, I’ll continue to actively pursue my writing—while I toss out a life jacket to keep another dream afloat.  

About the Author: 

Maureen is published in paranormal romance and fantasy in the beautiful state of Pennsylvania. Her stories boast laughter, light suspense and magic. She loves sharing her love of uncovering the extraordinary in the ordinary world—and making people smile. Visit her website, or follow her on Facebook and Twitter. Maureen is also a Freelance Writer. View her writing portfolio on Contently.


  1. Welcome, Maureen! There's absolutely nothing wrong with encouraging your daughter to write. I started when I was around her age, majored in creative writing, expected to get published... That took a quarter century. The getting published part is easier now, but the making a living part is harder for those who do. If my daughters wanted to write (which they don't!) I'd encourage them to spread their creative wings, but I'd also instill a bit of pragmatism. It doesn't hurt to develop other skills that can actually pay the bills. Just saying...

  2. Hi, Maureen - Welcome! How cool that your daughters want to write, and one has already started! It's never too early to start honing your craft (and she's off to a great start!). But like Jannine I'd have to add some pragmatism as far as the industry. And I'm sure they're not totally unaware of how hard you work! Great topic.

  3. WoooWhooo! For you and your daughter. Keep encouraging her, please. She really is very good. My dad happened to make his living as a writer, plus some of his friends were published authors, so I grew up knowing that it could be done. The only thing I didn't know was how hard it was to actually do. Something he had to let me learn on my own -- if you want it badly enough and all that. Neither of my twins or my two singleton kids seem to have gotten the bug, but I do have a grandson has some substantial talent. It remains to be seen whether or not he'll have the drive. Either way, I'll be right there in his corner cheering him on.

  4. Welcome Maureen, and keep it up--especially encouraging your daughter. I wrote my first book in one of those speckled school notebooks--you're never too young.

  5. Thank you so much for the encouragement ladies, and for having me here as a guest!

  6. This is spot-on for my own life story. I taught for 30 years because "writing doesn't pay." Then, my daughter gets a college degree in--guess what? WRITING! And, she has made a huge success out of it--writing for magazines, serving as managing editor of publications, branding for universities, and so much more. So grateful she proves the nay-sayers wrong! Nice post.

  7. I wish I'd learned a long time ago that making a living as a writer IS possible and how to do it. I love writing but it always seems to take a back burner to 'real' life and job.

    Great post....your daughter's story is intriguing!

    Good luck and God's blessings

  8. Hi, Maureen! So glad to see you here. I love that your daughter is writing. You are a great role model for her. My grandchildren are writers. The almost-7 yr old boasts that he's published a book. Not the ones we write at my house using My Story Maker ( but one he wrote at school. Granddaughter has many notebooks in which to write her story. I encourage them because I heard the same cautions (get a job that pays bills, etc.). Best wishes to you & your daughter.

  9. Wow, Susan that is encouraging about your daughter. That's one thing I keep telling mine- that she can do all kinds of jobs with writing if that is what she enjoys- while she still works on her fiction.
    Pam- I do wish I could've went back to my young self and gave 'her' some advice about what can be done with writing.
    Diane- that's great! I'm not sure if that's the same book, but my girls made the 'books' for a few years- so neat! Because what was funny, was the first one they did was about a year after I had my first novella published and they told me they couldn't understand why I said it was hard to get 'published'- lol!
    Thanks so much for keeping me company here ladies!

  10. Hi, Maureen! How fun that one of your daughters is following in your footsteps! Very nice snippet, too! You must be so pleased/proud!

  11. I am Elizabeth, thanks so much for stopping by!

  12. How awesome that your daughters love to write. YES, she is good. You should be proud. I love that you are encouraging them. Way to go, Mom!! Thanks for sharing her snippet.

  13. Thank you Alicia! My girls are doing NaNo again this year- which is so fun for me. Yasmine is working on her story that was already about 17,000 words in. She started it for a contest but surpassed the word count. I told her to write the story and then once she's done we can see what she wants to do with it :)
