
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Breast Lump Biopsy by Barbara Edwards

My biopsy is scheduled and I’m nervous. Last time I was totally scared, but I know what to  expect today.
The hospital called and reminded me what to do.
Be thirty minutes early. Okay. I’ll probably be earlier than that. 
No deodorant, powder, lotion or perfume. Okay. Although I did take a shower and scrubbed.
Nothing except my medicine for  three days. No vitamins or supplements or blood thinners. Especiailly the Warfirin that I use to help prevent strokes and heart attacks. 
And wear a sports bra for extra support after the biopsy.

I am familiar with the check-in process. I’ve been here several times with my husband, not so many time for myself. Go directly to registration  and bypass the sign-in desk. Security has tightened at the entrance and all visitors need a pass to enter the hospital.I now have a wrist band and my husband a badge.
The mammogram department is on the second floor. 
There is a small waiting room and I noticed the women don’t look at each other or talk. I thinks the nerves are showing in a withdrawal from contact.
The staff is friendly. A technician escorts me to the changing room and hands me a garment. I think everyone is familiar with the robe that doesn’t cover everything. I wait again then walk to the biopsy are.
The table looks strange. it has an opening in the surface so my breast can lowered to let the doctor examine it. She’ uses lidocaine to numb the surface after they find the lump area with a sonogram. 
Music is playing and I’m relaxed. 
It doesn’t take long. I don’t see the needle or any of the equipment.
I don't know if I'll get a chance to finish this after my biopsy. I'm leaving for the hospital in a few minutes.

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  1. Barb, thank you for sharing this. Sending all the best wishes and positive vibes your way. And some prayer as well.

  2. We're with you, Barb. Take care of yourself!

  3. Thanks, Leah. I appreciate your support.
    To let everyone know, the biopsy went smoothly. A little discomfort: like getting numbed by the dentist. the results will be in a few days.

  4. Crossing my fingers for the best outcome possible. Waiting on news like this is a challenge.

  5. Keeping you in my prayers that you'll have positive and happy results. It's scary, I know...the waiting.

  6. You're in my prayers, Barbara. Thinking of you.

  7. I hope to hear a huge sigh of relief when you get the results. Hang in there until then.

  8. Definitely scary stuff, thanks for sharing with us. I'm with the others sending positive thoughts, prayers and good wishes. Fingers crossed too. Let us know.

  9. I'm late in reading this post. Sorry you have to go through this again. Scary is right. This all sounded so familiar. Even though we're several states apart, the procedure is the same. Please let us know the results. Sending hugs.

  10. Sending positive thoughts your way. Waiting is so hard.
