
Monday, March 7, 2016

It's not funny!

My blog is late this morning. I forgot the date as well as the day. I know everyone has had one of these brain freezes. I've been having a lot of them. I'm still in the middle of my husband's health crisis although the good news outweighs the bad. His latest cat scan shows he is cancer free. The operation got everything  and he will be fine once he recovers his strength from so many days in bed.
Anyway, I have a calendar in the kitchen, the bedroom and even one on the back of the bathroom door.
My phone has a calendar. None of that helps unless you remember to check.
I did have an idea for my post but I will save it for next time.
Hope you all have a better day than mine started out to be.
Hey! Celebrate with me! The sun is shining, my crocus are up and the dogwood has big buds ready to open.


  1. So glad to hear your husband is doing better, Barb!

  2. Barb, all we needed to hear was the good news about your family. You've survived some scary days...and both you and your husband get to appreciate spring as it was meant to be enjoyed. 'Nuff said.

  3. Family always comes first. Good news about a family member's health is meant to be shared and celebrated. I forget to check calendars, too. It's part of being so busy and stressed.

  4. I'm so glad to hear the good news about your husband. I'm surprised you thought of us at all. I hope it's all uphill from here!

  5. Great news about your husband's prognosis, Barb. Way to go in getting 'something' up today. The sun in shining here too! Celebrate is right!

  6. Just adding my good wishes, Barb. So glad your husband's recovery is coming along. And I'm with Margo. Thanks for posting despite all you have going on.

  7. Glad to hear your husband's doing better. I'll join you there in the brain freezer, and I agree it's not funny!

  8. I'm so glad you took the time to update us even if you didn't do a 'regular' type of post. Wonderful news about your husband...thank God!
