
Monday, February 15, 2016

Happy Day-After-Valentine's Day! by Alison Henderson

Happy Day-After-Valentine's Day! Did you celebrate? I'm a HUGE fan of Thanksgiving and Christmas, but the other holidays--not as much. 

As a result, OG and I are not big Valentine celebrators. He's never been one for grand gestures, and as I said to him, "If I don't do something to make Valentine's Day special, it doesn't happen." He didn't disagree, but merely said something to the effect of, "Are you saying every day with me isn't special?" You see what I have to deal with?

He is, however, pretty good at choosing cards. Here's one of my favorites. I think it captures the essence of our relationship after almost thirty-three years. 

Besides a card, I do try to do something nice for him on Valentine's Day. Since February is peak citrus season here in Carmel, and my Meyer lemon patio tree is loaded, I thought a fresh batch of lemon bars would be a welcome gift. I was right!

How did you celebrate the day? Were you wined and dined? Showered with diamonds and champagne? How about a sweet card from a child or close friend? I hope something happened to make your day a little bit special.



  1. Hmmmmm. My OG has a similar mindset as yours. To paraphrase - special is as special does. Although we did exchange cards yesterday. Once in a while he gets the idea if he hands me a card in the store to read, he won't have to buy and sign it.

  2. LOL, Margo!!! OMG, I love your husband's way of thinking. Cal would do the same thing if he ever stepped into a card store. He thinks they're such a waste of money. I do have a vase of pink roses, a color I prefer more than red, sitting in the living room.

  3. The box of chocolates we're "sharing" is still on the counter. We're making that baby last. I also made an awesome dinner--grilled marinated flank steak, mashed potatoes with cheddar and bacon, and asparagus. It was delicious, so we both enjoyed our V-day dinner. No cards...signed or otherwise. LOL

  4. We're visiting with friends in the Anzo Borrego desert who got married the same year we did...marriages still going strong, we're happy to say. Moving toward a half century of marriages/friendships. Now that's special on Valentine's Day!

  5. Ha, Alison. Funny stuff! Those lemon bars look scrumptious! LOL, all you ladies are making me laugh. Margo, I LOVE that your husband hands you cards to read in the store. :) I did nothing special. But, I have no sweetheart, and it's not my favorite holiday. I do love the vibe in the air, though. It's just a loving day, right?

  6. Margo, that is hilarious. OG is quite proud of his card selection skills. He got me a great one this year that I'll try to post on FB.

  7. Pink roses sound lovely, Vonnie. Perfect for you!

  8. Your dinner sounds fabulous, Jannine. I made Lemon Chicken Piccata and haricots verts. Got to use those lemons while they're ripe!

  9. Rolynn, what a special Valentine's Day. Perfect!

  10. Alicia, the lemon bars were indeed scrumptious. Too bad they don't keep very long. I guess we'll just have to eat them up quickly!

  11. Those lemon bars look scrumptious. Hubs can be a grump--as in, Valentine's Day was invented by the card company. Still, he gave me a silly card (best kind), Lindor dark chocolates, and red & white carnations. Lovely. I got him a silly card, a puzzle book, chocolates, and a cute stuffed puppy, which he says we should save for Baby Girl when she visits in August. He did keep the puzzle book and we're sharing the chocolates.

  12. Oh yum, Alison. Your OG is a lucky man. :-) Mine got baked ziti--one of his favorites--and a card.
