
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Girl Power?! You Betcha!! by Margo Hoornstra

FEELING FIERCE – The words were emblazoned in pink and silver block letters on the little girl’s size tee shirt at the store. No question. That shirt was just made for my five year old granddaughter. Ooops! I mean five and a half year old. Excuse me. She’s a kindergartner, you know.

This was one purchase I was not going to pass up. Especially when, frugal shopper that I am, I noticed the Buy One Get One Half Off sign across the top of the display.


Several bright pink tee shirts on a nearby rack in more silver block letters declared AWESOME STARTS HERE.

Perfect times two.

Both messages brought to mind an incident of a few years ago when I was raising this grandbaby’s momma. Her middle school class was going to create a bank so the students could learn the ins and outs of corporate finance. Various positions were open for applications and she was so excited to be a part.

As the project took shape, she brought home a printed list of the duties associated with such job titles as president, vice-president, teller, auditor and the like.

After studying the sheet for a while, she shared her intentions. “I think  I’ll apply for the vice-president job.”

“What does the vice-president have to know?”

“Everything the president does.” She didn’t bother to look up. “In case they ever have to take over the job.”

I’ll admit I had a little trouble holding in a ‘is this all the farther we’ve come in smashing the glass ceiling’ rant.

At the risk of providing an inappropriate information dump – an absolute no no in my oh so competent CP’s world – a touch of back story here is necessary.

My long time paycheck job was a management position at a non-profit. One of those professional organizations with a typical men only need to apply mind set. I must have done something right since I survived there for a quite a while. Yet, year after year, I’d have to prove myself again to the incoming, usually male dominated and skeptical, volunteer Board of Directors.

In fact, my brother had an interesting exchange with one of the members shortly after I got the job.

“I heard for that new CEO position they hired a girl.”

Bless his heart, my brother’s response was quick and to the point. “Yes they did. And she’s my sister.”

As I understand, the conversation ended there.

But, back to the dialogue between my daughter and me regarding her immediate career aspirations.

I cleared my throat and swallowed the rant. “The vice-president needs to know everything the president does, so why not apply for the president position?”

My question was met with wide eyes and a dropped open mouth. Then the eyes blinked and the mouth spoke. “Yeah. Why not? I think I will.”

She did and she got it!

FEELING FIERCE and AWESOME STARTS HERE are tucked away for my granddaughter’s upcoming birthday. May she wear them proudly, and stand tall when she does so.

You know what? I wish they made those tee shirts in my size.

My days to blog here are the 11th and 23rd. For more about me and my stories, please visit my WEBSITE


  1. Your daughter and granddaughter have a wonderful role model in you, Margo. :-) I hope you'll let us know how she likes the shirts!

    1. Thanks, Leah. I had some pretty neat role models of my own. I'll keep you posted on the shirts acceptance.

  2. What a darling little girl she sounds! Great post.

  3. Why not, indeed! Good for you - and so good for your granddaughter! The t-shirts are perfect. And I love your brother's response.

    1. Hey, Patty. Yeah. He was pretty proud of himself! ;-)

  4. Great role model, Margo! And a great message. Isn't it great when they figure things out for themselves instead of us preaching to them.

    1. You're right, Diane. That one little nudge and she was off!

  5. My granddaughter is turning 3 next week. I am so glad she is surrounded by people who believe she can do anything. With her attitude (already showing through at her age) they would have to get out of her way if they didn't. Nice post. Good for you, Margo.

    1. So your little darling is s tad pushy too, Brenda. Good for her! May it always be so.

  6. Terrific stories, terrific inspiration. Thank you.

  7. Yay you, Margo! You granddaughter has the chance to be anyone she wants to be. Stay tuned for my blog entry on the 1st. I found a cool book for parents/g.parents regarding girl power...will share.

  8. Love it! I think we should ALL have t-shirts like those LOL!

  9. May "Chaos" wear those shirts with pride! Loved the post!

    1. LOL! Yep. That's what we call her. I'm sure she will wear them well, Jannine. I'm sure she will!

  10. Loved your post!! Coming at it from the other end. I shudder at the t-shirts, ads, and remarks ranging from "You run like a girl to You throw like a girl and You act like a girl." All made by guys as a subtle put down to the female sex. Grrrrr.

    1. Right on, Vonnie. We need to counteract those 'issues' every time we can.

    2. Hey, Vonnie. The best response is to simply say thank you.

  11. What a wonderful post! Yes, they both had great role models! Very cool. :)

  12. Great post! If you ever find those tees in adult sizes, please let me know. I REALLY need the one that says FEELING FIERCE. I believe my family would agree.

  13. I'll stay on the lookout, Alison! If I find one, it's yours. ;-) BTW - the above mentioned granddaughter is named Alison as well. (Same spelling even!) What do you know?

  14. What an awesome post, Margo - Girl Power, pass it on!!!

    1. Exactly! That's what it's all about, Florence. ;-)

  15. You know what, Margo? You are the best little blog writer! Every time I read one of your posts it is just so well done. You never let me down! Thanks for this!
