
Saturday, November 21, 2015

Worried by the events on the news by Barbara Edwards

I am worried by the events on the news 

I admit that the attacks in Paris have reawakened the fear I felt after 911. My heart was in my throat when the second plane hit the Towers. Then the Pentagon was hit and finally those on the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania. Every hour brought more horror.

In the years since there are a number of people who don’t remember. They were too young, in a different part of the country or didn’t understand. 
It scared me to pieces when President Bush said this war would last for generations. .It turns out he was right. 

Our country, our soldiers will be fighting to keep us safe. The men and women in my family have served in the Navy, the Army, the Marines, the National Guard. I don't want to lose any of them to a terrorist.

I hope I’m wrong, but I worry about another attack happening here. 
So what can a person do?

If I plan to go to the mall, I pick a time when its not crowded. Crowds are prime targets for suicide bombers. 

In a lot of ways I’m lucky. Being a trained police officer, my husband is always aware of his surroundings. When we are in public he knows what’s happening. I depend on him. 
I always look for and locate where the exits are. 
I go to church but arrive as the service starts and sit near the exit. There are too many components of a religious war in this conflict. Several churches have already been the site of shootings.
Recently, there was a warning posted for parents of children. If there is a shooting, bombing, attack at your children’s school ,’Don’t go there!” These cowards are trained to have a second attack in place to kill the emergency response workers. Wait to be told where to pick up your child. I know this is a time filled with panic. Be safe.
Be alert when out in public. No one noticed the Boston bombers drop backpacks on the sidewalk. 
Get a permit to carry a concealed weapon. Attacks have been stopped by return fire,
Notice someone who’s clothes look too bulky. A vest bomb is heavy.
Don’t be ashamed that strangers make you nervous. This is your commonsense working.
Don’t be embarrassed to call the police if you see something suspicious. 
Another thing I learned. Keep an emergency kit close. Have what you need to survive for several days if you're cut off.
I no longer think I'm paranoid. 

So what do you do to stay safe?

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  1. Yes, these are frightening times. Very good tips. I try not to live my life in fear, but being aware and cautious is wise.

  2. Barbara -- I too feel that fear returning. I lived in Central Jersey at the time of 9/11 and my community was hugely impacted by the attacks. I think now about my loved ones who live in the presumed high-target areas, and I wish I could "turn the dial" and pretend it's not real. Like Alicia, I try to keep the "fear" part contained, but it's always good to be aware when you're out in public. Thank you for the tips, and thank you and your family for your/their years of service.

  3. Alicia, Knowing what is going on around you is the best step. Be safe.

  4. Leah, i was in Connecticut that day. A horrible event. I can't believe how many people have forgotten or not been taught what it meant. Be safe.

  5. I'm not a worrier by nature. I was never the mom who wouldn't let my girls play alone in the yard least some psycho snatch them. I don't and won't live my life looking over my shoulder. Let's face facts. The chances of getting killed in a car crash are 400 times (I looked it up) higher than those of getting killed by a terrorist, yet we all still drive. The chances of getting killed by lightening are higher than those of getting killed by a terrorist. (I looked that up, too.) Maybe I'm not nervous because I live in a rural area, but I feel if you spend your time worrying about terrorists, then they win.

  6. Jannine, it's been more than 10 years since 9/11, and I can still smell the stink of burning jet fuel. I think anything that evokes a strong visceral response will stick with you more. But I agree, you can't live your life like that.

  7. Barbara, I refuse to change my life because of the stinking terrorists...that's exactly what they want. I'm with fact, statistically we have a better chance of dying from a TV falling on us than a terrorist shooting us. I want to concentrate on the 90,000 or more people who died in car accidents or who were shot...we know we have ways to stop such fatalities, but we fail to put them into place. Yes, I want the police, CIA, FBI and other institution do diligence in tracking the bad guys, but I'm here in London amongst the crowds heading to the theatre. I will not let a terrorist keep me from my pleasures...and as busy as events here in London are, we're obviously have solidarity inn continuing to live our lives as normally as possible.

  8. When others ran out, they ran in. It never ceases to amaze me how many brave souls there are willing to protect us and fight for our rights. Although I'm cautious by nature, I, too, like Jannine's take on the statistics.

  9. Good tips, Barb. We should be alert. But to stay fearful is just what terrorists want. Besides killing people, their purpose is to engender more fear so we're incapacitated. I refuse to let them do that to me.
