
Friday, October 9, 2015

Why Oh Why Did I Do It by Brenda Whiteside.

Have you ever done something and wished you hadn't; wished you could have a total do-over. I don't normally enter contests, but I did. My publisher sent me an email about a contest, and it seemed like a good idea. A contest based on readers' votes. But...the main problem with this kind of contest is getting the word out, and that turns it into a shout and beg kind of thing. So, why did I do it? No idea. Southwest of Love and Murder placed second in a contest before it was published. It was the typical contest judged by a panel of judges and editors. My mother-in-law used to say "there is first place and no place." I guess I felt the need to try once more for first place since my second place really doesn't mean much.

That main problem I stated before is now making me cringe. Asking for votes...just feels wrong. So this will be the last time I mention it. One more stab, publicly, not aimed at anyone in particular. That's it. And since I'm up against some more well-known authors than yours truly, I have no expectations, and can forget about it.

The Romance Reviews is where you go to vote. You have to register, but it's free and safe. Your email address will be confidential. It's the only way for them to monitor that you vote only once for a book. There are several categories. Southwest of Love and Murder is in the Romantic Suspense category. Below is the direct link to my book's page. Click on the blue box that says "Action-Adventure/Romantic Suspense/Mystery. Vote Now." I'm up against some tough competition. Thanks!

That's it. Now I'm retiring back into my isolationist stance of ignoring contests...I think.


  1. I voted, Brenda. I think we've all agreed to something then wish we hadn't. Good luck.

  2. I must have already voted a few days ago. I honestly don't get the point of contests based on votes. It's just a "who has the most friends" contest instead of being about the best book. But it does look good on the old resume! Wishing you much luck!

  3. Thanks, Diane. Yes! Jannine. And I feel sleazy now begging for votes. Which is why I'm no longer trying. This post is my last mention. I just really needed absolution. LOL

  4. Voted! Absolution, huh? I feel your shame in a been there, done that kinda way. LOL. Isn't it incredible how we writers, solitary souls at best, have to beat the bushes at times for some recognition? What Jannine said about the old resume! Good luck.

  5. I voted Brenda. I'm with you on the contest thing. I sent in 25 pages to some contest and got dinged points because my editor's notes still showed on the manuscript. Took me 4 tries to get the dang things off...more trouble than it's worth. I think the cover contests have some value because we can actually judge, but unless we've read all the books presented in a contest, it's hard to vote!

  6. Yes, Margo, shame. So silly but so true. Been there, Rolynn. And too much trouble is right on.

  7. I've already voted for you, Brenda, but I sympathize completely. Last year, UNWRITTEN RULES got a 5-star review from In'DTale magazine and was automatically entered for a Rone award. It's exactly the same sort of thing - readers' choice, i.e. how many friends can you arm-twist into voting. I didn't even try. I'm not a big name author, and I never will be.

  8. I voted for you, too. I had gone to the site to vote for another author in a different category and spied your name first. So, I checked you both. I've been in those contests and hate repeatedly asking for votes. Just like I hate repeatedly asking you to buy my books. I feel like I'm waving a pompom..."buy me! buy me!"

  9. Asking for votes is the worst! I hate it! I rarely enter contests for that reason. But I never mind voting for a friend's entry! Voted. Wishing you much luck!

  10. Alison, Vonnie and Leah, you're all too sweet. I guess we all feel the same way. Me too Vonnie about buy my book. Worst part of being an author. Wish I could hire a professional beggar.
