
Friday, October 2, 2015

Things That Go Bump In The Night by Jannine Gallant

October is upon us. The month dedicated to witches and goblins and all things creepy. While slasher movies with lots of blood and gore do nothing for me, I enjoy subtle scary. The type of movie (or book) that keeps you glued to the screen or page as the heroine does something guaranteed to make you scream, "No, don't do it! Don't be an idiot!"

Now, I don't write paranormal, but ghost stories have always intrigued me. A couple of years ago, I just had to give writing one a try. The result was She'll Never Rest, Book Two of my Secrets of Ravenswood trilogy. All three books stand alone, so if October puts you in the mood for a ghostly thriller, give this one a try. Now, you tell me. Does the following excerpt creep you out just a little. Or am I too subtle?

Feather soft…Darby brushed at whatever whispered across her cheek and rolled to her side. Her nose pressed against warm fur. Blinking until her vision cleared, she raised up on an elbow. Green eyes inches from her face glowed back at her. Freaking cat. She dropped onto the pillow and gave Wilbur a shove. He growled low in his throat but didn’t move away. If anything, he pushed closer, edging onto her legs. As her eyes adjusted to the dim moonlight shining through the window, she identified the bulk of the wardrobe and the damp clothes hanging over the back of a chair where she’d spread them to dry. A glimmer of white in the corner drew her attention. The lace curtain? She frowned. No, the window was to the right…
Cold chilled her skin in a ripple of gooseflesh. The white, shapeless figure swayed closer. Heart pounding so hard she could barely breathe, she scrambled backward against the headboard, gaze riveted on the silvery white blur... Wilbur hissed and sank his nails into her thigh.
“Oww, damn it!”
A flash of orange leaped off the mattress and scurried under the bed. Darby blinked—and saw nothing out of the ordinary.
“I did not imagine that.” Flipping back the blanket, she slipped out of bed and padded across the floor toward where she’d seen the…ghost. She felt like an idiot just thinking the word. When the bedroom door flew open, she screamed.

So, are you a fan of shivery books and movies? What's your favorite?

Pick up an e-copy of She'll Never Rest on Amazon. Or check out all my books on my website. Happy October!


  1. Not a fan of scary movies or books. But... The scariest movie I ever saw was Wait Until Dark with Audrey Hepburn. It's a thriller that made me jump out of my seat.

  2. Sounds like an oldie but goody, Diane!

  3. I believe in ghosts for real. Loved the excerpt.

  4. Thanks, Brenda. I've always thought bumping into a ghost would be very cool. So far, no dice.

  5. I don't enjoy paranormal movies and rarely read a book of the genre, even though I write them. Probably a control factor. If I'm writing, I'm in control of what's going bump in the night. Loved the word choices of your excerpt. Very subtle, yet visual and keen to the senses.

  6. Thanks, Vonnie. I used to like scary movies more when I was younger. Now, not so much. I agree that the control thing is key!

  7. My theory is that as we gear our characters to be 'more than normal,' we all verge on the paranormal. My last two novels have heroines with odd powers they prefer to ignore...their growth arcs are getting control of these capabilities. And Wait Until Dark, mentioned by Diane. Very scary!

  8. I'll admit to not being a fan of anything scary, but I did love this story - just the right amount of creepiness!

  9. Rolynn, I only have one heroine with odd powers. She sees the future... However, that book is scary for different reasons. See my next post on the 18th!

    Alison, I'm glad I got the creep factor right!

  10. Ghosts are my favorite "paranormal" creatures, Jannine. I'm not much for truly scary (horror) movies/shows, but one of the scariest scenes I can recall was in the original Terminator, at the end when you think the thing is destroyed, and poor (then young, innocent) Sarah Connor has plastered herself against a piece of machinery, nowhere else to go, and that mechanical hand keeps...coming... I remember pushing my back so hard into the couch back (body language), I thought I'd push through. I still get shivers thinking of that scene. Loved your excerpt!

  11. Thanks, Leah. That is a good one! My favorite is American Werewolf in London because of the humor element that keeps it from being too scary!

  12. Though I'm not a fan of scary stuff, I did enjoy She'll Never Rest. Just the right amount of 'did that really just happen?' to it. You do creepy very well, Jannine.
