
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

October gets all the good press

This is the month when leaves change color, pumpkins ripen, people get out and about to view fall foliage ... it's a Good Transition Month, one of those happy transitions. It's like May, which is going into summer. A happy month.

Poor November and April. Those are the gloomy months, the not-quite-months. Not quite fall, not quite winter. Not quite winter, not quite spring.

I've been thinking about "not quite" lately. As I've mentioned before, I have books that need a publisher and I'm not quite ready to face that yet. I have a conference to manage, but it's not quite ready. I have Paycheck Work to do, but the product isn't quite ready to work on.

I'm in a stuck-between place and I know in about 2 weeks, everything will land on my desk at once and suddenly we'll be There, ready to go.

So let's hear it for those "not-quite" places in life. That's my time to kick back, take a deep breath, and get ready for what's next. Savor it. Because it might not last too long.

J L Wilson


  1. Good advice. Savor instead of worrying about everything you know is coming... October is a great month to just enjoy the moment!

  2. Ditto what Jannine said. Enjoy the down time while it lasts!

  3. I wish I enjoyed those not quite moments. They drive me crazy. My husband says I don't know how to relax. He may be right. Not quite there means I'm not sure how it's going to turn out when I get there. Drives me batty. But you enjoy!

  4. Enjoy the down time. The worst month to me is February. Not career-wise. The weather. Like November, it's gray, depressing.

  5. I'm trying to remember what it's like to have a break in the action...but I can't! "Enjoy it while you can" is right!
