
Friday, October 16, 2015

Milestones and Milepebbles by Donna Michaels

Yesterday was my 50th birthday, and yes, that was a milestone, but it’s the milepebbles that have occurred during my 50 years of life that stick in my mind. You know, the kind you don't expect, but mean the world?

I’ve been blessed in my career, hitting the NYT and USA Today lists, not once, but twice. Being nominated, then winning three awards. Meeting my idol, Jill Shalvis. Such wonderful career milestones I’ll never forget, but they don’t compare to my career milepebbles. The emails and letters I receive from readers who took the time to tell me how much they enjoy my books, and thank me for giving them an escape from some heartbreaking issues. Wonderful reviews in the same vein. Those pebbles…they are the ones I treasure so much!

Milestones in my personal life, like marrying my childhood sweetheart, having four wonderful children, the wedding of my oldest son, I hold them all dear. But I also treasure the hug I received from one of my boys when he was 11, without me initiating it. Every, ‘I Love You, Mom,’ I get from my children right out of the blue. My daughter calling me from college just to chat. The flowers one of the boys sent me yesterday for my birthday. The purr of the scardy cat that jumped on my lap without prompting. All are out of the blue moments that touch deep and imprint forever.

Milestones are fantastic, but those milepebbles? Those are priceless!

I wish each and everyone of you a life full of milepebbles! I'd love to hear yours.

Thanks for reading,



  1. First and foremost, happy birthday, Donna. Hope you had a great day. I know what you mean about those milepebbles. Other successes aside, those are the truly priceless ones.

  2. Very happy birthday and keep on collecting those pebbles!

  3. Happy birthday, Donna! We mark time with the stones. We mark happiness with pebbles. I'd never thought of it that way before...

  4. Happy birthday, Donna-a half century of living! One theory about the ahu, a piling of stones (artistically done, of course) is that it records milestones. I like the pebble idea...perhaps ringing the ahi? Anyway, the pebbles often get us to the milestones, don't they? I had my knees replaced three years should see me hiking around Aix en Provence and Seville. Loving it!

  5. Happy, happy birthday, Donna. What a nice message. :-)

  6. A belated happy birthday, Donna. I love your word milepebbles. Great description of those small but meaningful moments in life. The other day, my 5 1/2 y.o. grandson gave me such an enthusiastic hug I nearly ended up in the dishwasher. That's a memory I won't forget.
