
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Cha... Cha... Cha... Cha Changes by Jannine Gallant

Life rolls on, whether we like it or not. Going-back-to-school season is fast approaching. But this year is going to be a little different for us. My oldest is heading off to college at UC Berkeley on Sunday. Granted, she'll only be 200 miles away and could come home once in a while for weekends if she wants. Whether or not she'll want remains to be seen... But it's going to be odd around the house without Tara. Kristen (2 years younger) is already feeling the pressure. I heard her tell her sister, "Oh my God, you can't leave me alone with THEM. All their focus will be on me, now." I had to laugh. Yep, The Times They Are A-Changin'...

I've been pretty calm about this whole transition. We've bought the giant must-have-for-the-dorm-room list. Deposits have been paid. Tara is on top of everything because that's the kind of kid she is. When my friends ask if I'm freaking out, I tell them, "Not yet." I guess we'll see how Sunday goes. Wish me luck!

So, how much have we changed? Well, here's a picture of me and Tara back when she was my cute little baby...

And here's Tara's senior portrait. They sure do grow up fast!

Since we now have college tuition to pay, feel free to check out all my books on my website and maybe even buy a couple! LOL See, I can still make jokes. I'm holding it together. Honest, I am...


  1. Think of this as progress. Yes it's change, but in a good way. You'll well, to borrow from yesterday's post here, Cope. Enjoy the transition! Tara and Kristen will be fine. You will too!

  2. Oh, my. Tara is gorgeous, and from your description, organized and smart. You raised her well Jannine! Knowing you, the freak-out moment won't're ready and so is she. What's her focus area in college? Does she write?

  3. Thanks for the support, Margo. We will all be just fine!

    Rolynn, she's planning to major in biology. Pre-med plans. Unless she changes her mind. Who knows at 18 what you really want out of life. Funny story. Both my girls were bored one rainy day this summer. They decided if I could write books, so could they. Tara said she could whip out a best seller every now and then to pay for med school. After a couple of hours, the urge to write petered out and neither girl touched their masterpiece again. LOL I guess she'll have to find another way to pay for med school...

  4. You brought back memories for me from 28 years ago. Nothing but changes ever since. Good luck, stay calm and enjoy.

  5. That's too funny, quickly the girls gave up. They've seen you work over the computer for hours on end...they know the time/effort involved, for sure!

  6. It's been eleven years since I was in your shoes, and I'll never forget that day. We moved her into her dorm room, met the roommates and their parents, and then gathered for a big first-year family picnic. Then the band arrived and RA's rounded up the students and marched them in a processional through an elaborate pair of wrought-iron gates, and that was it. She was gone--off to do some fun orientation activity. I didn't feel bereft, and I didn't cry, but it was a bit of a shock. I think the college had learned how to make the separation for us--no prolonged goodbyes, no tears. She was fine, and remarkably, so was I.

    Have fun, and I hope your transition goes as smoothly as ours!

  7. Thanks, Brenda. Will do my best!

    Alison, I'm trying to remember back to being dropped off that first year soooo long ago. It's a blur. Sounds like your school had a good plan. We're on 4 hour drop off windows for two days at Berkeley because parking is such a huge issue there. We have the Sunday morning slot. I'm guessing it will be fast and furious without much time to get sentimental!

  8. Love the photos, Jannine! I'm feeling a bit teary just looking at them! :-) Like the others have said, it sounds like you and your girls will adjust just fine. I'll be thinking of you on Sunday!

  9. Love the pictures, Jannine. You brought back such happy/sad memories. Daughter went to school an hour away from home. We went to visit her more than she came home. Son's school was 8 hours away. We saw him for holidays. We took her to school, he said good-by in the driveway. Different kids.

  10. Diane, Tara doesn't have a car, so we have to haul her and her stuff down. She does have a friend going to Berkeley who has a car, so I'm hoping she can carpool home once in a while. I went to school 8 hours from home and only went back at the semester breaks. Berkeley is a little over 3 hours plus traffic time away. Not quite that so bad!
