
Saturday, May 16, 2015

I met my Idol at #RT2015 by Donna Michaels

This has certainly been a great year for me. First, I make the NY Times and USA Today Bestsellers lists in January, and now, I can cross meeting my idol, Jill Shalvis off my bucket list!

I even had the presence of mind to form a coherent sentence, and she was gracious enough to allow me to get a picture taken with her.

And I even took a break yesterday and walked over to Dealey Plaza where JFK was killed. It was a beautiful, peaceful area, and a bit surreal standing on the sidewalk and staring at the X in the middle of the street where he had been killed. Here is a photo I took from near the grassy knoll, complete with another tourist checking out the area.

The week has been a whirlwind of fun and networking. I got to host a fun Cover Model party on Tuesday night, a fun Steampunk party on Thursday night, several wonderful panels, and the best, was on Wednesday, at the Welcome Party, where I was on stage representing the Cowboy 12-Pack with Randi, Becky, Lexi, Paige, Beth, Elle, and Cynthia, where we announced that we have embarked on another boxed set, spearheaded by Katherine Falk. It's called 12 Alarm Cowboys! A boxed set of cowboy firefighters from Texas!!
 Releasing August 4th!

Pre Order for 99 cents!

Keep an eye on my FB page for more photos from RT! And, make sure you're subscribed to my newsletter because I'm collecting swag and books from as many authors as possible and will be giving it away to randomly drawn subscribers!!

You can subscribe at my website:

And next week, when I have my new release on May 21, I will be holding a subscriber's only giveaway to win a $25 Amazon GC. Look for the Release Newsletter!

Hope you are all having a great May.
As always, thanks for reading!



  1. Sounds like so much fun, shame I'm in the UK. The swag I've seen has been amazing.the elevator posters have been good too.

  2. How fun, Donna! I've never been to RT but would love to go some day.

  3. Big congrats on the releases! Sounds like you had a great time. BTW, I live one town over from your idol. I should probably contact her sometime to meet her. Maybe the fame would rub off! LOL

  4. Congrats on the great year, Donna. May many more come your way.

  5. Julie, the elevators and walls were incredible! It would be so cool to see one of my books up there someday. ;-)

    Leah, it is an experience! Lots of readers and authors to connect with and socialize!

    Jannine, holy cow! I would accidentally on purpose be visiting Jill's town daily in hopes to run into her and chat up her books! lol Seriously, though, she's a sweetheart and so naturally funny I know you'd both hit it off.

    Margo, thank you so much, and ditto to you!
