
Monday, January 19, 2015

Each New Day Starts With Forgiveness with Guest Blogger, M.J. Schiller

I'm happy to turn over my spot today to a good friend and great author, M.J. Schiller. M.J. is using our monthly theme for her post, and I think you'll find it quite interesting...take it away, M.J. (Aren't her covers magnificent?)

Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet? ~ L.M. Montgomery

What a hopeful thought! One we need to make a mantra, at times. Especially me. I’m one of those annoying people pleasers, rule followers, I want to do everything well and the right way. My mom used to tell me, “A job worth doing is worth doing right,” and it appears that I have taken that to heart.

When I was in junior high I was a synchronized swimmer. I had an unusual talent that was useful to the team. I was a really loud underwater screamer. I know. Jealous, aren’t you? It was my job to scream and signal the others when it was time to do certain moves. At the end of the season we had one of those awards celebrations where we got goofy little certificates. Mine had something to do with “the only person she’s harder on than her teammates is herself.” Hmm. Kind of a backhanded compliment, huh? I was an uptight, straight-A student. There was no room for mistakes, from me, or anyone.

Luckily the years have mellowed me some. But I still tend to go over my actions and conversations at the end of the day and think, “I could have said that better,” or “I never should have done that,” or, “If I had only done this…” That’s a hard way to live.

This idea that each new day is a fresh start is a lifesaver for people like me who tend to be self-critical. Okay, so maybe I was a little rude tonight by texting my daughter while out with the neighbors. But my daughter needed help and I was trying to be a good mother. My friends will forgive me. And even if they don’t, I need to forgive myself, and then learn from my mistakes. I need to forge on in my brand new day, do the best I can, and forgive myself at the end of this day so that I can start over each day anew.

Does anyone else have this problem? Do you tend to beat yourself up over mistakes you make? Or have you learned to forgive yourself and move forward?

Maggie, from my new sci-fi romance, LADY OF THE KNIGHT, has a hard time forgiving herself for a decision she makes while under enormous pressure. Should she betray the man she loves in order to save him? LADY OF THE KNIGHT is the second in my ROMANTIC KNIGHTS TRILOGY. 

You can preorder Book Two for 99 cents at:

The first, LEAP INTO THE KNIGHT, is also on sale for 99 cents!

Thanks for joining us! And thank you, Roses of Prose, for hosting me!


  1. I figure we all make mistakes and simply have to move on. No one's perfect, right? However, you can probably appreciate this. My dorm gave out silly awards one year. Mine--Most Likely to be Shot by her own Troops! LOL

  2. Gosh, I still obsess about stuff from years ago. I do take the time at night to remember the past is over and today was worth living.

  3. What? Not second guess yourself - constantly? Is there any other way to be? Seriously, those covers are truly amazing. Nothing wrong with reaching for the best, MJ. The only way to go!

  4. Jannine~I wonder if people handing out those awards realize that they are going to stick with the recipients forever, whether good or bad. Having triplets seemed to cure me of perfection. Now I have no standards at all. Ha!;) Thanks for visiting!

  5. Barbara ~ That is a great, very healthy habit to get into. May all your days be blessed, my friend! Thanks for joining us!

  6. You're right, Margo. Reaching for the best, and trying to constantly improve, that is something I'll never regret. But there are times when I have to let things go and use my energy to try to make myself a better person rather than dwell on my mistakes. Sometimes easier said than done. I appreciate you stopping in today! Have a great one!

  7. I have both downloaded on my kindle. Can not wait!
    -R.T. Wolfe

  8. I read and reviewed Leap Into the Knight and loved the action, conflict and romance in a Sci-Fi setting. Good luck with sequel!

  9. Great post, M.J., thank you for joining us. I usually beat myself up a little over mistakes, then I try to move on. After all, there are more mistakes waiting for me to make them. :) I have both your books and am looking forward to reading them!

  10. Thank you, RT! I hope you enjoy them! I'm looking forward to your next release! Can't wait for more Duncan and Nickie!

  11. Thank you, Susan! I'm so glad you liked Maggie and Darius's story! And thank you for taking the time to stop in and comment!

  12. Alicia ~ thank you for your tireless support!

  13. Alicia ~ thank you for your tireless support!

  14. MJ, you described me! Always second-guessing myself, wondering if I could've done something better, yada, yada. Glad to see you here.

  15. Great post, MJ. (Sorry to be late!) I, too, still obsess about things I messed up years (even decades) ago. And your covers are fabulous!

  16. M.J., as if being a synchronized swimmer weren't cool enough to begin with, you were a "screamer"?? I'm trying to picture that in my head! I also can't help but think of Disney's cartoon Pinochhio calling in that gargling voice: "Faaaaatherrrrrr." (Anyone else remember that?)

    Great post. I'm one of those obsessive people who can't let things go. I need to learn though!

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