
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Winter Wonderlands

Call me crazy if you will, but winter is my favorite season. Yeah, it's a real pain when the roads get slippery and it's hard to get around, and sometimes it's so cold you can barely breathe, but I still love it. I love the early dark evenings and the soup at night and the smell of warm bread baking.

One of my favorite things is to go out on those days when it's far below zero and everybody else is hunkered down inside. I'll go for walks (flannel-lined jeans and warm boots) or go shopping (I have the stores to myself!) Sometimes I'll go for a cross-country snowshoe hike or just zip over to the local cafe for a cup of soup and a browse around the stores.

One thing that *really* helps me enjoy the wintertime is the fact I don't have to commute. I telecommute full-time for my job, so if the weather is bad -- well, I just stay in that day. No more white-knuckle drives on the Interstate, no more jockeying for position with a snowplow. If the drive doesn't get shoveled for a while, that's okay. My husband has 4-wheel drive, and he can get out if he has to, and I'll get around to shoveling when I feel like it (or power up the snowblower and get it taken care of).

It's all a matter of perspective, I guess. It's going to snow. It's going to get cold. And it's going to get dark early. I may as well enjoy it!



  1. My thoughts exactly, JL. Love it when I don't have to drive in it. In fact, it's snowing right now. Every winter night when I was a kid was spent outdoors either on the snow hill or the skating rink. Guess you could say we really embrace the season.

  2. We're waiting anxiously for snow in Tahoe. It's raining today. :( Everyone in my family skis (except me--I snowshoe with the dog) so WE WANT SNOW!

  3. Winter is one of my four favorite seasons. I enjoy the song since I don't need to drive in it any more. I remember bundling up the kids and going sledding, building snowmen, and making snow angels. Gosh, I miss those days.
