
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Fall into Danger with Ghosts by Alicia Dean

Halloween is one of my favorite times of year. I love the weather (although here in Oklahoma it looks like it might be 80 degrees on Halloween…ugh!), I love the holiday, I love spooky stuff and the changing foliage. I also love the idea of ghosts, whether it be movies, stories, or actual sightings. Years back, I took a ghost tour in Tulsa, and wow…it was creepy. And awesome.

I’ve never seen a ghost, but I’ve known of a few incidents where I truly believe there was evidence of a ghostly spirit. One in particular sticks in my mind. First of all, let me clarify. My mother is extremely practical and skeptical. Never would she believe in anything otherworldly. When my dad passed away in ’94, my sister lived in Florida at the time. She came to Oklahoma to stay with Mom for a while, just to be with family. The first night, she slept in the bed with Mom. The next day, Sheri said, “Mom, did you feel the bed shaking last night?” Mom said, “Yes, you felt it? It has happened every night since your dad passed away. I didn’t tell anyone because I didn’t want people to think I’m crazy.” I truly believe that was some kind of signal from my dad, letting Mom know he was with her.

One of my favorite ghost movies is Ghost with Patrick Swayze, but I also enjoy the light hearted ones. Have you seen these?

Over Her Dead Body is about a man whose fiancée dies on the day of their wedding. He starts seeing a psychic, and falls for her. His fiancée begins haunting the psychic and sabotaging their relationship. It’s a very cute, sweet, movie.

 I loved, loved, loved this movie. It was funny, sweet, sad, and totally unexpected. I never dreamed Ricky Gervais could play the part of a romantic lead, and while he has a pretty rough beginning, he totally turns things around.

Ghost Town is about a dentist who has a near death experience and comes out of it with the ability to see and talk to ghosts. He’s a crabby, rude loner, and when the ghosts overwhelm him with their presence and their requests, he is none too pleased. Greg Kinnear plays the main ghost, and I adore him. His role in this movie is wonderful. Téa Leoni plays his widow, and Ricky Gervais’ romantic lead.

As much as I’ve always been fascinated with ghosts, I’d never written a ghost story, until now. My latest release is a short story with The Wild Rose Press that is part of a Halloween anthology: Haunting in the Garden.


A year after her husband’s death, Emily Tillman is ready to start dating again, and hopefully, find what she’s always wanted—marriage and children. But the man who broke her heart five years ago is back. And he’s anything but the marrying kind. 

Confirmed bachelor Reese Caster is perfectly content with his life—and he’s finally over Emily, the one woman who almost made him commit. Now, his world is rocked when her dead husband shows up, demanding that Reese pursue Emily to keep her out of the clutches of her latest suitor—a jerk who is only after her money. 

Being around Emily again has made Reese reconsider his bachelor life style. But now that the threat of the other man is gone, the pesky ghost wants Reese to break things off. Can he and Emily find the love they were denied, or will the ghost of her dead husband destroy their chances? 

So...what about you? Do you believe in ghosts? What are some of your favorite ghost movies or books?


  1. I loved Over Her Dead Body. Hilarious. Haven't seen Ghost Town, but I'll keep my eye out for it.

    I'm not sure whether I believe in ghosts. I haven't seen or felt one. But I do believe our loved ones who've passed on keep an eye on us. Not in a creepy way but to help us in times of need.

  2. The Ghost and Mrs. Muir is a classic B&W movie - timeless romance and wonderful acting by Rex Harrison and Gene Tierney. In fact, I think I'll watch it again this afternoon!

    I've experienced more than one ghostly interaction and believe their realm is simply a thinly separated room from ours. Some spirits are sweet, others are rude, just like our "real" life. LOL.

    BTW - Castor is a well-written, believable ghost story, so for those reading who haven't yet picked it up, do so now!

  3. You really should check out Ghost Town, Diane. You'll like it, I'm sure. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Yes, I loved that movie too, Ashantay. I haven't seen it in ages. I should watch it again.

    I agree about ghosts. :) Thank you so much for your kind words about my story. I'm afraid I had to rush it a bit to stay within the word count, but it was a lot of fun to write.

  5. I love ghost stories. The premise for yours sounds really terrific. I need to read it!

  6. Thank you, Jannine! If you do, I hope you enjoy. :) Your ghost stories are wonderful. Mine is just a brief, fun little story. :)

  7. I'm all about ghosts in stories, Alicia. I write about them in my two cozy/Southern Gothics--even though I have never personally experienced spirits here on earth. I rely on trusted friends who have the sixth sense needed to communicate with the spirit world. Thanks for a timely post

  8. Ha! Yes, I know you love ghosts, Susan. :) Your stories are great! Thanks for stopping by.

  9. I love the story of your Dad confirming his presence for your Mom. True love is so sweet! And your new release sounds intriguing. Added it to my TBR list. Thanks! ~~Emmly Jane

  10. Thank you, Emmly. I will always believe that is exactly what he was doing. Hope you enjoy Caster!

  11. I believe there are too many credible stories not to believe in ghosts. I don't believe I've ever encountered one, though there was a night I stayed in a bed & breakfast that was pretty scary. It was the home of one of the women killed in the Salem witch trials. My husband and I like to do ghost tours and have done them in Savannah, Georgia, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Salem, Massachusetts, and Door County, Wisconsin.

    Once, when we were in Galena, Illinois, we were sitting outside our bed and breakfast on a bench, reading a Galena ghost book. There was a Civil War reenactment going on in town and it was a foggy morning. Out of the fog stepped a Confederate soldier with a southern belle on his arm. I addressed them. "Man! You scared me. I was just reading about ghosts and you two stepped out of the fog. I thought you were ghosts." The guy answered without smiling and without breaking step, "You never know," and then disappeared into the mist. Freaky!

  12. Oh my gosh...I'm so jealous that you have been on ghost tours in places like Salem, and the others. And that you stayed in that B&B. How cool! Yes, very freaky about the confederate soldier. But also very cool! Thanks for sharing.

  13. I've not seen Over Her Dead Body. It sounds like my kind of movie! You know me and 'sweet'! :) Fun Post!

  14. Can't wait to read your latest. The best ones are those we had fun writing. How can we not believe?

  15. I love ghost stories, too! That is so cool about your mom's bed shaking. (Hey, I believe!) My favorite fun movie is the Abbott & Costello "The Time of their Lives." Lou Costello plays a Revolutionary War soldier who was accused of being a traitor. He and his female ghost sidekick (also accused of being a traitor) haunt a weekend party hosted by the Bud Abbott character. My favorite serious movie is "Ghost" with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore. So sad!!

  16. Hi Darcy, I could have sworn I responded to your comment, but I don't see it, so i guess I didn't. :) Yes, I know how you love sweet. You would definitely enjoy the movie, both of them actually. Thank you!

  17. That's right, Margo. How can we not? Thanks so much. I hope you enjoy Caster. :)

  18. I love Abbott and Costello, but I haven't seen that one. I bet it's funny. Yes, Ghost was very sad. :(
