
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Fall into Danger of Falling Behind by Donna Michaels

Yes, that’s twice the falling because I seem to be twice as busy anymore. How about you?  I thought they said it gets easier as you get older. Liars. I was mislead. Although I’m blessed to have loyal readers who demand more books, (and believe me, I know I’m blessed) Father Time doesn’t seem to want to cooperate and let me write at a normal pace. Or stop time for just a tinsey bit so I could get caught up. Nope. The past twelve months seem to have been spent speed writing several books.  All I want is a few extra uninterrupted hours in the day. Is that too much to ask? Apparently, and life doesn’t slow down, it only speeds up and keeps things interesting. Between family, and conferences, and promoting, I fall into danger of falling behind in my writing every day.
My four kids are all out of high school now, so I foolishly thought I'd gain more writing time. Ha. Two are in college and don’t drive. So, I’m still chauffeur mom. Well, not to my daughter. She’s away at college, but now we have to drive to the next state to see her or get her to come home for the weekend, which means we have to drive her back two days later. And of course, I’m not the lucky type who can read or write in a moving vehicle. If only. Man, I’d get a ton done. The best I can do is close my eyes (if my husband is driving) and plot. But, as always, my family comes first. Somehow, I manage to take care of them, and my readers, I just wish I could do it at a slower pace.
And I’m sure I’m not the only author with these issues. We should form a club. Sleep-deprived Authors Anonymous. Because, yes, that’s exactly where my writing time comes from. My sleep time. Hello, my name is Donna Michaels, and I’m addicted to writing. J

This month is just as busy. I’m currently at a conference in Phoenix. If you’re in the area on Saturday, please check out the book signing at the Crowne Plaza, and stop on by and say hi. I have some cool swag!

I also have a new release this week. Royally Unleashed.

My heroine falls into danger…okay, she seeks out danger. Pilar is a paranormal huntress who protects the innocent and is on a mission to find her missing cousin last seen on the island of Pavelonia, just off the Romanian coast. A dangerous, sexy prince hinders her investigation, wrecks havoc with her empathic sense, and harbors a Grim secret she has never come up against.

  Plus, the prequel to my Harland County Series—
Harland County Christmas releases December 1 and is now available for Pre-Order! 
Read about the first cowboy to fall…

Thanks for reading,



  1. Yes, Donna, I feel your pain. I am insanely busy, but I just keep adding things to my schedule. :) I live alone and my grown kids don't take up much of my time, but between a full time job, editing for TWRP, freelance editing, promoting, writing, socializing, etc. Yeah, not a lot of free time. Congrats on your new and upcoming release. Love the covers!

  2. Congrats on all those readers. Gotta love that, and you deserve them! I agree about being too busy, but a driving child helps. My older daughter is a senior who doesn't have a car. Her solution--she uses mine. ALL THE TIME. Hey, since I can walk to work and I can't drive anywhere without transportation, I get more writing done!

  3. Let me add my congrats for your many readers. May this continue in your life. I thought being an empty nester would increase my writing time. Boy, was I wrong! I guess if we love it enough, we'll find time for it - whatever IT may be.

  4. Yep, ditto from me too on the readers clamoring for more. That's wonderful. I'll also join your club of sleep-deprived authors. I get up a 4:30 every morning to try and do all my "author" stuff -- reading blogs, checking in on social media and email, and even some writing. Then I'm off to the "paycheck job" (I forget who I stole that phrase from) where any remaining life is sucked out on a daily basis. :-)

  5. Hope next year leaves you just as busy. It's so ice to be in demand.
