
Friday, September 26, 2014

Falling into place -- travel-wise

I had a busy September planned. Out of town the first weekend, out of town the third weekend (extended for 4 days), then out of town for more than a week at the end.

Then small things started to go awry. The relatives I would be visiting in LA had another pressing obligation that coincided with the weekend I'd be there. That was a costly trip in terms of vacation time and money (hotel, shuttle, etc.)

Then my cat developed diabetes and requires 2 shots a day. I have a caregiver coming to the house, but she's a friend and I really can't ask her to drive 12 miles twice a day to give a shot. So he'll have to be boarded when we're out of town for a week. That isn't so costly, but getting the updates on his vaccinations is.

Then the Paycheck Job raised its head and my deadlines all shifted. What was due in early September was due -- you guessed it -- right when I was supposed to go to LA. It wasn't really a problem because I was caught up, but there was still a lot of churn going on.

So I canceled the LA trip (or rather postponed it, since I was flying Southwest and I won't lose the ticket) and the money I save there will pay for the cat going to the "condo" for a week. I can focus on Paycheck work so when I leave town at the end of the month I can truly relax.

Sometimes all these little churns (my word for when everything around you seems unhinged) just fall into place and work out. I'm hoping the same thing happens in my current work-in-progress. I have one plot point that's giving me fits. Let's see if I can get that worrisome little detail worked out. Then I can truly relax....

J L Wilson
(too many books to count...)


  1. Still sounds like a busy month! Hope it all falls into place for you.

  2. Yes, ditto what Jannine said! That's a lot of juggling, plus trying to keep on top of things at the paycheck job. (I like that, by the way. May I steal it??? It's a bit more politically correct than my usual "EDJ" or evil day job.) :-)
