
Monday, August 11, 2014

Rebel Without A Cause: Whatever Was I Thinking? by Margo Hoornstra

Think Rebel Without A Cause. To quote Wikipedia, "The story of a rebellious teenager who arrives at a new high school, meets a girl, disobeys his parents, and defies the local school bullies." What kind of images come to mind? The smoldering hot and handsome bad boy, of course. Sexy and daring, maybe with a chip on his shoulder. An edge of anti-social behavior about him. (Delinquent is such a strong word.) Whether with motorcycle or without, definitely swoon worthy. Though I never have seen the movie, I can certainly relate.

However, after this summer, I'm thinking a little different kind of rebel, thanks to a dog named Buddy.

Let me explain. A few years ago, my youngest son rescued a little dog. Abandoned as a puppy, Buddy is one of the most loving and gentle dogs I've ever met. A pacifist by nature, when he's out and about on his leash, Buddy avoids conflict and confrontation at all costs. But give him the opportunity to meet new dog friends and play, and Buddy's all over it, with gusto.

Fast forward to last month. It's Summertime in northern Michigan, and we're camping at a Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park™ with the kids and grandkids. Jellystone, where they're big on kids and activities complete with a real live (in costume, of course) Yogi Bear. A bear so popular, the times for his appearance are posted in advance so eager fans can stop by for a hug or high five. Maybe even a picture. Often, this bear would travel around the park is a golf cart, with his handler beside him since Yogi doesn't drive, perpetual smile in place, waving and nodding. Having a good time.

Fast forward again to the day before we leave. I'm coming out of the bathhouse just as Yogi and his escort drive by. Though it's early afternoon, no one else is around. All of a sudden, I'm inspired.

"Hey, Yogi. Can you make a personal appearance?"

His lady driver answers for him. "Sure!"

"Great! My grandkids will love this." So proud, I quickly lead them down the lane to our spot. Only one of my grandsons is there, and my son, and Buddy...

Yogi and company pulls up and stops. Undaunted, I make my best ta da gesture!

Still smiling, Yogi leaps from the cart. Unfortunately, at seeing the newcomer Buddy does some leaping of his own.  Keeping his distance, but barking like a man, er dog, possessed. Poor Yogi freezes, mid wave, as Buddy's tirade continues. Okay, so if you leave out hot, handsome and sexy, we had our own Rebel Without A Cause going on right then and there. Rebellion? You bet. Anti-social? I would say so. Chip on his shoulder? That barking behavior had to come from somewhere. Although now that I think about it, Buddy seemed to be as startled as Yogi.

Not to worry, though. All would be well. We were finally able to convince Buddy (Yogi too) that it was okay. No one was going to get hurt. We even managed to get a picture. Buddy wasn't invited. ;-)

Enjoy these last days of Summer, Everyone! Fall will be here before you know it.

My days to blog at the Roses of Prose are the 11th and 23rd. For more about me and my stories, please visit my WEBSITE


  1. Well shoot, I was hoping to see Buddy hanging from Yogi's green necktie. Great post.

  2. What a funny story! Ginger would have done the same. When she sees real bears in the woods, she rebels in a big way--but with a cause. Her woods! No bears allowed!

  3. Ha, poor Buddy! I have border collie mix, and when researching how to train her, I discovered that everything scary or startling is a "grizzly bear." No matter if it's a stranger at your door or an unexpectedly-threatening shrub when you're out on a walk. Grizzly bears are EVERYwhere...

  4. LOL, Vonnie! That would have been ONE great picture! (Wonder what the liability would be!) Poor Yogi!

  5. Very fun post. Thank you!
    -R.T. Wolfe

  6. Jannine. Buddy must be leading a sheltered life! Ginger could teach him a thing or two.

  7. Kristen. A grizzly bear shrub. I like that!

  8. Ahhh, yes. James Dean, a high school heart throb and you should see the movie! As for Buddy, what a dog! Big as Yogi was and alien to Buddy, I'm sure, the hero took a stand (all four legs!) and barked his alarm system.
    Cute post! Thanks for a smile.

  9. Susan. Buddy always has been a bit of a hero in my book. Glad I made you smile. PS - I will check out that movie.

  10. Too funny! My little dogs are so loving and very fierce when they think someone is on the road or near the house.

    I can't imagine what my dogs would do with Yogi. They are big barkers but it's funny to see this little 9 pound dog barking and chasing people.

  11. Thanks for the smile - lovely story. Wonder whatever was in Buddy's little mind that he chose Yogi as the opportunity to show some teeth? Maybe he had a bad experience in his puppyhood - there's a story there, I'm sure!

  12. I'm sure my dog Lou would totally lose it too if she ever saw Yogi. Glad your story had a happy ending.

  13. Cute story. However Pup Harry would still be barking. Glad everything worked out well.

    Margo, enjoy the rest of your summer...I know that I am.

  14. Well at least you know that no one in a bear costume is going to sneak up on your campsite! Good dog, Buddy. I'm glad to know there are still Jellystone campgrounds out there. We stayed in them when our kids were little and it was always a fun time. Hope your last weeks of summer are enjoyable. :)

  15. Melissa. It's all about the bark, isn't it?

  16. Glenys. I'm sure Buddy had a very good reason for what he did.

  17. Jana. Good to know Lou would have done the exact same thing.

  18. Lynn. Our 'boys' are protective aren't they? Little heroes.

  19. Lucy. No one in a bear costume. That's a comfort, I think. It has been a pretty nice summer.

  20. Oh, man! I love the visual on this one! So funny! Thanks for sharing!

  21. Whoa Margo, your little dog is hero material. Glad everything got settled. Great photo op, too.
    All the best, Annette

  22. LOL, love this story! Glad it turned out well, and that you have a great pic to show for it. :)

  23. Annette. Got a little dicey there for a while.

  24. Funny post, Margo, and a fun photo for a souvenir. I guess it was too much to ask of Yogi to pose for a pic with Buddy. :)
