
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Dream Team by Diane Burton

This month our theme is based on two movies, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest or He’s Just Not That Into You. What a choice. I’ve never seen either film. So I’m going to write about another movie that takes place in a mental institution, like One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. It's called The Dream Team (Michael Keaton, Christopher Lloyd, Peter Boyle). If you haven’t seen this one, do so. You’re in for a real treat. The inmates go to a baseball game in New York City, where they’re stranded when their chaperone ends up in the hospital. Worse, they’re pursued by criminals who know they witnessed a crime.

What I like about The Dream Team is the way they are forced to work together. Back at the mental hospital, none of them got along. Now in order to survive, they have to push aside their neuroses and act like “normal” people. In the process, they find that the outside world is sometimes crazier than the one they left behind at the hospital.

Working together as a team, they discover they are stronger than they could imagine. Isn’t that true of real life?

When my daughter entered first grade, she wanted to join Brownie Girl Scouts. Somehow (don't ask) I offered to be the assistant leader. When the leader quit, guess who became the leader? I’d never been a Girl Scout so I had a lot to learn. One of the things I learned was working on a team. I would never have tackled chairing an event for a group of fifty girls if one of the other leaders hadn’t said she’d help. Years later, with the help of more leaders, I organized events for over 300 girls. And then training events for leaders. Again with the help of many. During my years as an adult Girl Scouts, I learned the value of team building and working as a team. Hopefully, the girls learned the same thing, too.

This group, The Roses of Prose, is strong because of its team. By ourselves, we’re okay. Together, we are better. As a solo blogger, I am often at a loss as to what to blog about each week. Here, we discuss ideas, which spark other ideas. Stronger together than alone.

I hope you find a group that makes you stronger.

Science fiction romance author Diane Burton blogs here on the 8th and 30th of each month and Mondays on her own site


  1. LOL. Now I'm going to have "Hit the Road, Jack" as my earworm for the day! You're right--it was a great movie.

  2. I couldn't agree more. We all bring readers (hopefully) to the blog, and in doing so, extend each of our reaches. And having the support of other authors is priceless! I was the Cookie Mom for both my girls' troops. Once a year I had a garage full of cookies waiting for the girls to take home and distribute plus extras for all those booth sales. Amazing I didn't gain 100 pounds!

  3. Liz, I forgot about that song. LOL

    Jannine, cookies! My g'daughter is a Daisy GS and we HAVE to buy cookies. Once a year, I feel like the Cookie Monster.

  4. Love this post...I haven't seen The Dream Team, but I'll have to now. Sounds great. You're right, working as a team is always better, and I think in doing so, we discover more about ourselves, as well as about the other members. You know, maybe that's a good way to get to know and develop our characters. Put them, even off the page, in a team situation with a common goal and see how they interact.

  5. Great post, Diane. Way to segue into something to write about. Everyone is right, we're okay alone, but even better together! Ah Girl Scout cookies. Been there, done that myself. Except, instead of the garage, for some reason we stacked ours in the dining room. Wall to wall for a few weeks. Wouldn't have missed it though!

  6. I like that idea, Alicia. Wouldn't that be a hoot!

    You know me, Margo. I can take almost any subject and segue. LOL

  7. I never saw the movie, but I'll have to check it out! Great analogy, Diane.

  8. Hi Diane,
    I was also a Girl Scout leader with my daughter, then Boy Scouts for many years with my sons. I did love working with both groups.
