
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Cuckoo For Dogs by Jannine Gallant

Have you ever started something you can't stop? Yeah, bet you're all thinking about those bad habits you'd love to break. I know I have a few. (Ice cream springs to mind.) But this is a strange practice I never considered would eventually have a down side. I'm talking about dogs. Not my adorable dog, Ginger. No down side there.

See. Adorable. Nope, I'm talking about fictional dogs. After I wrote my first couple of books, it occurred to me they both included dogs. So, being a creature of habit, I decided all my books should have a canine star. Easy-peasy, right? Actually, not so much. Sometimes I forget about the furry critter for a few chapters then am forced to go back to edit in the heroine (or hero's) pet. **head desk**

So, fourteen books later, I've got dogs of every shape, color, size and breed represented. And so begins book number fifteen. I'm on chapter six, and it suddenly occurred to me NO DOG. Tragedy. I went back and edited in a few thoughts for my heroine about getting a dog. She's traveling around the country. Acquiring a dog is a really stupid, impractical idea. So I have to come up with a dog she just can't resist...either that or break my streak.

Nope, not an option, so let's hope I'm up to the task. Do you have habits (writing or otherwise) you can't--or won't--change? Are you as obsessive as I am? Yes, I'd fit in very well in that cuckoo's nest. How about you?

I'll leave you with another Ginger picture just for fun. The drowned golden-doodle behind her is her pal, Benson. To check out the dogs in all my books, visit my website. Have a dog-gone great day!


  1. I always have cats, and in the WIP I have a puppy, too. I'm truly afraid THAT could become a habit!

  2. Oh, Liz, you're in trouble now! LOL

  3. I used kitties to humanize what could be a despicable character. When her first cat is killed by her brother, she swears revenge. Gets it. I cried when I wrote the paragraphs about killing the kitty.

    I love reading books where there is a companion animal, altho I'm less interested in books where a critter is the narrator...

  4. What a character thinks about animals does tell you a lot about them! An interesting idea for the future--a villain who loves cats or dogs would humanize them and add depth. Thanks, Betsy, for inspiring me!

  5. I love having a pet in my books. They can be very colorful characters and provide a lone character with someone to talk to.
    Really, I think it's because I'm not allowed to have pets where I live and I miss having my own furry friend.

  6. All my books have animals of some kind. In my latest release, More Than Pancakes, the hero has a coyote named Poe. I just love that coyote. And I have the opposite problem, Jannine... sometimes I forget about the hero/heroine and concentrate too much on the animals! Great post.

  7. Oh that imagination of yours, Jannine. What will it come up with next? Love it! Animals do add a lot to the story and the characters. Book 15, huh? Amazing! PS Ginger and Benson, what a cute couple. (There's a book in there somewhere) LOL!

  8. Sandra, okay, maybe my characters are guilty of talking to their dogs. I fear they sound as crazy as me, though, when they do! LOL

  9. Chris, a coyote? Way to think outside the box! Those sneaky devils are constantly trying to lure Ginger back to their pack where they'd turn her into coyote chow. She's adorable but not that bright. One of these days she may fall for it. Let's hope not!

  10. In case any of you were wondering(I know you were, Margo LOL), my warped mind came up with an answer to my dog dilemma for Book #15. My hero (at my heroine's vigorous insistence) rescues a miniature dachshund from the middle of a freeway where it was about to get squashed by a Mac truck. Whew, relieved to have solved that problem. Now I need to have my h&h argue about a name. Suggestions?

  11. Yep, you're crazy, Jannine. :) I love dogs. After 34 years of having dogs, we're dogless. Not a bad thing right now. If I need a dog fix I can visit my daughter's 3...or read a Jannine Gallant story.

  12. Funny, Diane. Glad to offer readers a quick dog fix!

  13. You are preaching to the choir. All of my books have dogs. Okay, I have to take that back. My Island Escape Series has sea turtles. So dang fun. Best wishes. You deserve it!
    -R.T. Wolfe

  14. Okay, Tanya, now I'm going to have to give someone a pet turtle. LOL Thanks!

  15. How about you name the dog "Mack" because it almost got hit by a Mack truck? I picture this tiny dachshund, like no bigger than my 7 lb cat, but he tries to act like an enormous German Shepherd, all tough and he's aggressive toward inanimate objects like lawn ornaments and mailboxes and flower pots.

  16. LOL Love it, Chris. I also think he's going to turn into the heroine's protector and give the poor hero a piece of his little canine mind when he gets too close!

  17. How fun! I only have a cat so far--the heroine's pet in my first book. She named him Romeo because he was more loyal than men she'd been around. Then, of course, she met the hero who had to take (and accept!) her cat if he wanted her.

    I always have a ton of food in my books--characters eating breakfast, characters out at restaurants, characters snacking and cooking.

    I guess I'm obsessed with food. (Sigh...just like real life!) :-)

  18. Leah, my hero in this current book is also obsessed with food. Isn't it funny how we project onto our characters? If we live vicariously through them, we don't gain weight!

  19. Jannine: Loved this blog! I've incorporated horses into my last two books. Problem? Though I grew up with my sister and her horse, I am afraid of the big, heavy-footed creatures. My writing colleagues forced me to ride a horse to help overcome this fear. Did it work? I'm still including horses in my novels, so I guess there was some success. Thanks for writing about animals in novels.

  20. Here I am, late again. Sorry, Jannine! Love the post. I'll have to admit, I'm not a pet person, and I don't include them in my stories, normally. But, my lonely, damaged hero in Heart of the Witch did have a dog. I think my obsession of adding things in my books over and over again are mentions of Elvis and/or MLB and/or NFL. :)

  21. I often think about the similarities in my books and I have music in all of them, I think. Whether it be someone singing, or dancing to music, a lot of dancing, which just seems to go hand in hand with romance. I also seem to like my characters wet (ponds, showers, oceans, pools...). I'm certain there's something twisted and Freudian in that...but what's a gal to do? Not a lot of pets in mine. In ABANDON ALL HOPE the heroine has a cat that likes the hero and heroine but not the heroine's boyfriend at the start of the book. I've got a goose in THE HEART TEACHES BEST and my upcoming release, DAMAGE DONE has a ram and some pidgeons that come into play. Interesting study of what we choose to put into our books. Thanks for sharing!

  22. Susan, I've had a couple of horses in my cowboy books. Love horses. I also intend to have wild horses in book 4 of my new series. Guess I'd better learn more about them before then!

  23. Allie, I have noticed your obsession with Elvis! LOL Hey, there are worse things to obsess about!

  24. MJ, sounds like you have an interesting selection of animals. I have a very cool cat who tortures the hero in one of my books. AND, wet is always good. This is romance, after all!

  25. Love your dog! I don't do pets every time but they do add a lot to the story. Good luck with finding a reason to adopt a certain dog. Maybe one should show up at her door and refuse to leave.

  26. They do add a lot, Barb. My heroine makes the hero run out onto the freeway to rescue the dog. Then the dog growls at him. LOL
