
Monday, May 26, 2014

The GBU of publishing

Publishing is an up and down world. One day you're on a best-seller list, the next day you can't get a contract. It's not a job for the faint of heart, that's for sure.

It seems like every year around this time, I decide to throw in the towel on publishing. June is my anniversary month. In 2007, my first 4 books came out (yep. 4 in one year).

That's 7 years ago, and now I have about 26 books out. Every year I think, "no need to continue. You've done what you wanted to do." And then I'll get another idea and I'll think, "Well, I'll work on this, and maybe it'll find a home, or maybe I'll self-publish it ..." and the merry-go-round begins again.

The Good of publishing? For me, it's the people I've met and the fun I've had at conferences and events. I've always said when it isn't fun any more, I'll quit, and that still rings true.

The Bad of publishing? The variability of it all. Why do some people hit it big and others don't? Some of it is promotion, lots of it is word of mouth, a ton of it is luck, and a fraction of it is hard work.

The Ugly of publishing? That can be related to the variability. It's too easy to fall into the trap of envy when you see a peer succeed. It's important to remember that everybody has a different journey and a different goal. My goal was never to be a best-seller. My goal was to tell stories and have fun doing it.

So far, so good. Yep. Second wind. Time to start writing!

And lest I forget, I have a new book out today -- at least, available in wide release now. Head over to my web site and find out how to get this summer book. Like the heroine, I used to work at a summer resort, and like her, I fell in love. And that's all the hints I'm giving right now!

J L Wilson

P.S. Hope you're having a good Memorial Day weekend if you're in the States!


  1. Happy Memorial Day! I like your goal, JL. To tell stories and have fun doing it! We should all be so lucky.

  2. I like your goal too, JL. :-) Congratulations on the new book. I love the cover!

  3. Love that cover! Yep, I'm having fun--but I wouldn't mind selling more books while I'm doing it!

  4. I agree, JL. I love writing. Being a best-seller would just be a bonus, but that's not why I write. I love working with you, so I hope you're not ready to throw in the towel yet. :)
