
Monday, April 21, 2014

It's always changing by Barbara Edwards

What is success—?

I wish I knew what success is. My definitions and markers keep changing on a whole bunch of different levels. It’s a kind of bucket list. When one goal is accomplished, it’s immediately replaced by another.
I remember how hard it was to finish my first book. I wrote and rewrote. Took advice, and then changed my mind. That first manuscript took years to write.
Then the goal was to find a publisher. Another marker of success was when an editor loved it.
Success was that contract in my hand. Wow. I cried so hard and ate too much chocolate to celebrate.
Only that was the start not the finish in the run for publication. A book cover, edits, galleys, blurb and dedication all needed doing and everyone was a small success along the road.
My first book wasn’t a bestseller. So I set that as a goal. My name in the New York Times would be so fine.
Didn’t happen with the next four books either. Then came Journey of the Magi, a short Christmas story in a genre I never wrote before. It didn’t make the New York Times, but it did hit the Amazon Holiday Romance Bestseller list. That resulted in more chocolate and tears.
I just realized I eat a lot of chocolate when I’m happy.
So the next goal was to finish book three in my Rhodes End Series and it is currently being put into galleys.
So here’s a peek at the cover.
Date to be published-Soon!
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  1. Yep, Barb, we celebrate the victories along the way then want more. Our goals keep changing.

  2. I think Barb is onto something. Set goals for success. Make sure you have a fighting chance of achieving them. Celebrate when you do.

    For me, I want to be a little red fire truck. I don't think that's going to happen. Until it does, or until I give up on the impossible, I too have a series of step goals which I think are achievable.

    And I have lots of chocolate.

  3. What a fabulous way to measure success. Setting the 'next' attainable goal, celebrating when you reach it, and then setting another. Congrats on the Holiday Amazon best seller list, no wonder you cried and ate chocolate! (Any excuse to each chocolate, though, right?) Thanks for putting it all into perspective so well and best of luck on future goals.

  4. I can relate to everything you said. The more my goals come true, the more goals I create. The higher I get as an author, the higher I dream to go. But it's important to celebrate all of our small successes.

    The cover to Ancient Cure is gorgeous!

  5. Think you nailed the definition, Barb. Success is what you make of it. I read, and loved, Magi. Well deserved as a best seller. More to come I'm sure.

  6. Hi Jannine,
    I know its late in the day but we just crossed the Mojave Desert. It hot and late, but another part of my changing goals for success. We are on my dream trip

  7. Hi Jannine,
    I know its late in the day but we just crossed the Mojave Desert. It hot and late, but another part of my changing goals for success. We are on my dream trip

  8. Hey Betsy,
    If you believe in reincarnation, maybe you will return red and noisy. Why not?

  9. Hi Alicia,
    I had to limit my chocolate a few years ago so the brief indulgences really sparkle.

  10. Thank you, Chrys. When they asked me to describe what I wanted for a cover I had a hard time, but I love this one, too

  11. Hi Margo,
    You made me blush. I'm working on a Holiday release for the Wild Rose Press right now. Well, during travel stops.

  12. Fantastic cover, Barb. Loved the post. "Life is a journey" is such a cliche but so true. Celebrating reaching a goal is a must. Finding new goals makes life interesting.

  13. I stink at goal-setting. I think I need to print this and hang it over my desk. :-)
