
Sunday, April 13, 2014

How about success AND failure?

Both at the same time?

Yep, I did it. Here's what happened: we've been house hunting. Correction: I have been house hunting and been dragging the Spousal Unit along with me. We had decided we wanted a smaller house, smaller mortgage, less property to maintain, etc. Heading into retirement, let's downsize.

So I found a few that were good, we went to look. Nope, not so good. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto.

Finally last Sunday we found the Perfect House. Okay, slightly more than we planned to spend, but still a savings. Smaller property than perhaps we wanted, but doable. Nice space, remodeled, beautiful.

We came home to talk about it and turns out "I'm not ready to move yet."

Say what?

Here's the perfect house waiting for us, and now you decide not to move?

Long story short: we're going to map out a True Retirement Strategy (I'm not sure what that is, but the SU will know once he sees it) then we'll house hunt.So we had success and failure.

I am restraining myself from checking to see if the house is sold. Sigh. Some things just aren't meant to be....

(30 books and counting)


  1. This reminds me of when we retired and we both found out we didn't really have any idea of what the other one was expecting of our "golden years." It made for a whole new adventure! Good luck and enjoy.

  2. First of all, ditto what Liz said. Us too. Once you get there though, things have a way of settling in and working out. Promise!

  3. It can be difficult to give up the familiar. Good luck finding the perfect house when you're ready!

  4. We must have talked for five years (on & off) before we decided we wanted to move. We wanted to be closer to our grandchildren. During that 5 yrs, our daughter & her family moved from Indy (4 hrs away) to west Mich. (2 hrs away). Good thing we waited because west Mich. was where we always wanted to be. So things can turn out for the best when you wait.

  5. Well, JL, you took the rougher road. I went the renovation path and at some cost, we now have the house we've always wanted. But you're right, downsizing is a good thing. We live with 2300 square feet. What are you looking for, size wise?

  6. Better to back off now, JL, than to buy have have SOMEONE, maybe like a spousal unit, saying things like, "I knew this was a mistake!" ... Not that I speak from experience or anything. :-)

  7. Good point, Leah. LOL. I think maybe it IS from personal experience. I never had to worry about an SU in my golden years, since I divorced him. It would be quite a wake up call to find out you have different ideas about a Retirement Plan. Hope you find a house you like as much when it does happen, JL
