
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Looking Forward by Diane Burton

I like the concept for this year—opposites attract—and this month’s forward and backward. If you follow my posts (here, on my own blog, or on Paranormal Romantics), you already figured out I’m a little perverse. I want to do the opposite of what everyone else is doing. Many have already written about looking back, so I’m starting this year with looking forward.

2014 is going to be a great year! Do I sound like Merry Sunshine? I’m very optimistic about my career. My romantic suspense will be released worldwide (all e-formats and print) on Friday, January 10th. I’ll release my next science fiction romance in the spring. And I’m expanding my short story “Christmas in Space” into a novella to release after Thanksgiving.

On a personal level, I’m going to enjoy living near our grandkiddies. My daughter, sweetheart that she is, doesn’t want to take advantage of us. I have to ask “can the kids come over and play?” During Christmas vacation, we’ve made cookies and a cake, played dress-up with their mother’s (and my) old clothes, read books, and watched a movie. Next weekend, we’ll have them overnight. Can a grandmother overdose on grandkids? Not this grandmother.

While Hubs finishes the basement of our new house, I’ll empty more boxes and find places for family pictures and wall decorations. Did you know when you have “open concept” you lose wall space? LOL What used to be eleven walls is now four. Not a lot of places for wall hangings. I’m not complaining, mind you. I love an open concept. When Hubs finishes the basement, I’ll have an office again and maybe I’ll be able to find things I’ve been looking for since August—like a digital copy of a completed manuscript of a romantic suspense I want to submit.

I’m also going to get healthy. While walking outdoors will be difficult for a while (did I mention the foot or more of snow we’re getting right now?), I’m going back to the fitness club on a regular basis and preparing healthier meals. Notice I haven’t mention anything about goals or resolutions.

Forget the past. Forget old resolutions and goals that weren’t achieved. I’m going forward.

I blog here on the 8th and 30th of each month and Mondays on my own blogsite  Starting this Friday, I'm celebrating the worldwide release of my romantic suspense One Red Shoe by The Wild Rose Press with a giveaway and a blog tour.


  1. Sounds like you have a plan not resolutions. Plans are easier to keep! Happy New Year!

  2. Thanks, Jannine. Best wishes for a great year!

  3. I like that you are looking forward. Positivity breeds success! I wish you all the best with this new year. Living closer to your grandkids is a blessing. I grew up nearby my own grandparents and wouldn't trade that for anything!

  4. I'm with you on the 2014 will be a great year statement. Happy New Year and great going so far!

  5. Change can be invigorating and fun and, yes, sometimes stressful. Like you, I chose to focus on the first two. Good luck with all your plans and enjoy those grandkids.

  6. Sounds like you have a solid, enjoyable plan for 2014. I like your outlook and enjoyed the post. Looking forward to looking forward also! :)

  7. Am taking your idea and looking at the next 12 months. Lots of positive stuff ahead.
